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The word "asanser" almost one into one copies the French term and is literally translated from Turkish as "elevator". Asanser in Izmir is one of the most "postcard" sights. Perhaps, this glory is greatly inflated, because, for example, city museums and mosques are much more significant and interesting. But Assanzor looks so, that it is definitely not confused with anything.

This public elevator was built in 1907 to connect the Karatash quarter with the Khalilrifat Pasha district, which is higher on a steep hill. The tower in the then Jewish quarter of the city was built with the help of the Jewish banker Nesim Levi Bayrakoglu. Thanks to two elevators placed inside from Mithatpasha Street to Khalilrifat Pasha, which is forty meters higher, it became possible not only for one and a half hundred steep steps.

On the balcony there was an open terrace of the cafe. Here it makes sense to visit: from the terrace you can see the bay beautifully.

By the simple-looking quadrangular tower of Asansyor this can not be said, but it was designed by Italians and Frenchmen, and was built from a brick specially brought from Marcel . The tower 50 m high consists of four tiers that narrow to the top, as if in a telescope . The contrast-white balustrade of the balcony is adorned with decorative motifs characteristic for that time . It is curious that after construction one of the elevators worked on a steam engine and the other on electricity, and finishes flax choice in favor of the latter for both was made only in 1985 . details of the original mechanisms are exposed for all to see on the ground floor Asansör Asansör .

After the construction of street, on which it was possible for him to go, call the elevator deadlock. On this street was the house of the famous actor and singer Dario Moreno, and later it was renamed in his honor.

In the 1930s. the tower became a kind of hit: it housed a cinema, a theater, a counter with refreshing drinks and a photo studio. For a while, Asansor was privately owned, but in 1983 was transferred to the city. At the end of the 20th century it was restored, and the restaurant of the same name opened at the top, and on the balcony there was an open terrace of the cafe. Here it makes sense to visit: from the terrace you can see the bay wonderfully

Practical information

Asanser is located to the east of the Konak district; street Mithatpasha, on which is its lower "station", stretches parallel to the boulevard of Mustafa Kemal Sahil and the seashore. The nearest metro station is Ucyol.