The Mevlana Festival is an annual event that takes place in Konya from 10 to 17 December. The holiday is dedicated to Jalaladdin Rumi, who lived in 1207-1273. Mevlana - the nickname of this poet and philosopher, in translation means "our master". He is known as the founder of unorthodox Islam and the order of the revolving dervishes. Members of the Order believe that it is possible to contact God with the help of a dance called Sama.

At the end of the Mevlana festival, the audience is waiting for the most interesting. The participants of the show begin to rotate continuously counter-clockwise. At the same time, they swirl around their axis and around the perimeter of the stage.

Mevlana Festival is a dance show, which is visited by a huge number of tourists and pilgrims from all over the world. The dance lasts three hours and is a beautiful, bewitching spectacle. Before entering the stage, the dervish asks for blessings from his master, the sheikh,

The Dervishes are not dancing for the public's sake, but for entering into a trance and using this special state to get closer to God. Such a state can be called a dynamic meditation.

Monks dance to the music of flutes and drums. At the end of the festival Mevlana spectators are waiting for the most interesting. The participants of the show begin to rotate continuously counter-clockwise. At the same time, they swirl around their axis and around the perimeter of the stage.

Mevlana Festival

Many spectators are so impressed by the festival that they go on an excursion to the Mevlana house museum. The building is remarkable not only from a historical point of view, but also as an architectural object. It is interesting that the construction of this mausoleum house lasted a long time - the work was going on from the 13th to the 19th century.