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The Palm Islands in Dubai are called the eighth wonder of the world. This is the second building, built by a man, which can be seen from outer space. The first, as you know, is the Great Wall of China.

Palm Islands can be seen even from outer space!

The Palm Islands were created by the authorities of the United Arab Emirates to attract tourists, as well as to expand their territory at the expense of the waters of the Persian Gulf. Both were implemented with brilliance.

What to see

The archipelago consists of three artificial islands, each of which is a palm tree: the largest is the island of Palma Deira, the other two are Palma Jumeirah and Palma Jebel Ali - slightly smaller.

On the coast of Dubai there is another magnificent artificial structure - the archipelago "Mir", next to which the construction of the archipelago "Universe" is planned.

If you find fault with terminology, then the Palm Islands should be called peninsulas, because they are connected to the mainland by the coast line - the trunk. It is no coincidence that the islands are date palms, this is a particularly revered plant in Islam. Also in the traditions of this religion the crown of each of the Palm islands was a crescent.

The Palms

For protection from the water, the islands of the Palm are surrounded by barrier reefs. And the builders did not approach them formally. For example, on the reefs of Palm Jebel Ali, citations from the poems of Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum, the acting sheik of Dubai, are carved.

The Palm Islands are built from sand extracted on the coast of Dubai.

All the islands of Palm are built of sand, extracted on the coast of Dubai. To create a breakwater island of Palm Jumeirah, stretching for 11 km, took seven million cubic meters of sand. And this is the smallest of the three islands. On Palm Jumeirah in total there should be 1400 villas, 32 hotels, and the beaches will stretch here for 78 km.

The main attraction of Jumeirah should be the complex "Atlantix", the owners promise that this will be the embodiment of the dream of tourists.

The island of Palma Jebel Ali is built in a more exotic style. Here are located more than a thousand bungalows in the Polynesian style and more than two thousand villas. Dubai authorities are planning that by 2020 on this island will live about 1, 7 million people. Special attention will be paid to children's recreation in Jebel Ali: four amusement parks will appear on the crescent of the island.

In the future, tourists will come to the islands of Palm to visit a unique marine aquarium. In Jebel Ali you will be able to see dolphins, killer whales and other inhabitants of the sea.

And the largest and most unusual of the three islands of the Palm will be Deira.

How to get here

You can get to the Palm Islands by Dubai metro. The station is located on the shore of the Persian Gulf. Further, in order to quickly find yourself in a fairy tale, you can take a taxi.

Along the Palms Islands themselves monorail is laid. You can not only reach your destination, but also see all the wonderful things that the authorities and residents of Dubai were able to implement.

Also on the territory of the Palm Islands are planning to launch ultra-modern dirigibles. And monorails will be integrated with the main branch of the Dubai metro.

Bright night islands of Palm, Dubai Palm Islands
Bright, nocturnal islands of Palm
Palm islands at sunset, Dubai Palm Islands
The Palm Islands at sunset
Palm Islands in Dubai Palm Islands
Palm Islands in Dubai