Read 2 about Lviv city arsenal
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Lviv, like any city of the Middle Ages, often had to defend their territories. Today the city's arsenal, which served to strengthen the borders, reminds of those times. Near the arsenal there were workshops for casting guns, there was a prison, and in one of the rooms lived a city hangman. Today there is a museum, whose exposition holds many images of old cold, throwing, firearms, as well as protective weapons and military equipment more than 30 countries of the world.

Address: Lviv, st. Podvalnaya, 5.

Reviews about Lviv city arsenal (2)

Evaluation 9

Former prison and collection of weapons in the same building May 14, 2014

was here in May 2013
The long building of the city arsenal in Lviv limits the old city center on the west side, but not to confuse it with the royal arsenal located on the next street. In the arsenal is a museum where the largest collection of cold and firearms in Ukraine is collected. Guns, armor, ancient military clothing, medals and many interesting things can be seen in this unusual museum. For militarians, this is the best place to relax. The entrance ticket costs 10 hryvnia, but it is time to ... Read the full review
 Lviv city arsenal  Lviv city arsenal  Lviv city arsenal  Lviv city arsenal
Evaluation 9

Lviv arsenal - interesting exhibits in the historical building August 30 2013

@ was here in August 2011
Arsenal in Lviv I visited together with my girlfriend and her eight-year-old son. Honestly, we did not even include him in our walks around the city, as not deserving of attention. But what you will not do for the sake of the child ...
Suddenly we liked the museum very much, and we stood for a long time near each shop window. And there really is something to look at: all kinds of weapons, from ancient times to almost modern times; uniforms and military suits of all time; details of horse harnesses and many more ... Read the full review
 Lviv city arsenal  Lviv city arsenal  Lviv city arsenal  Lviv city arsenal