Add a review about the National Museum named after Andrey Sheptytsky

This museum, founded in the early 20th century as a church, has become one of the symbols of the development of Ukrainian culture. The founder, the Greek Catholic metropolitan Andrei Sheptytsky, donated more than 10,000 items to the museum and kept it at his own expense. To show the entire exposition to the townspeople, it was necessary to buy a whole villa.

After the Great Patriotic War, the museum opened collections of museums closed by that time, mostly relating to religious life. Many famous scientists worked here, who tried to diversify, replenish collections, studied Ukrainian art and restoration methods.

Today the National Museum stores more than 150 thousand items of various expositions. For example, a large collection of icons, a collection of manuscripts, sacred sculptures, engravings. Products made of bone, metal, ceramics, wood carving and embroidery demonstrate the development of culture and way of life of Ukraine.

Address: Lviv, Svobody Ave., 20