Add a review about the Odessa Museum of Western and Oriental Art

This museum is considered one of the best of such profile in Ukraine. His collection is represented by private collections, as well as receipts from the city's Fine Arts Museum. In addition to the expositions, the building itself attracts interest - the main staircase is carved from Carrara marble and erected without bearing beams, which creates a hanging structure with the sites.

Odessa Museum of Western and Oriental Art

The exposition of the eastern, antique and Western European art. Among the exhibits can be found works of Strozzi, Khalsa, Caravaggio, European porcelain of the 18th century, ceramics and paintings of India, China, Tibet, Japan.

Address: Odessa, st. Pushkinskaya, 9.

Working time: daylight saving time: 10:30 - 18:00, winter time: 10:00 - 17:00. Weekend: Wednesday,

Information is indicated on June 6, 2014