It's not a secret for anyone that the youth of Odessa is the busiest and funniest on the entire Black Sea coast. Therefore, very many young people from Ukraine and other countries choose this famous city as a place for recreation. What is so different about Odessa from other resorts? The secret is simple: here you will find not only the sandy beaches, the gentle sea and the present southern sun, but also the concentration of noisy bars, trendy restaurants and discos for every taste.

Of course, the most "club season" begins in April and ends only at the end of September (with the outflow of numerous tourists). Therefore, it is in summer that the most famous DJs from all over the world come to Odessa with an enviable frequency to please the audience with new tracks and make them dance hot nights all the time. So, nightclubs in Odessa are dancing from sunset to sunrise, well, or vice versa.

Club Ibiza in Odessa Clubs of Odessa
Clubs of Odessa Clubs of Odessa
Nightlife in Odessa Clubs of Odessa

Summer dance floors in Odessa: beach and disco lights

All night institutions of the city are divided into summer and those that are open all year round. Therefore, whenever you are in Odessa, the best dance floors of European level will always be open to you. Famous among the youth beach "Arcadia" - the most thrilling place in the city. It is here that the most popular "club ten" is located. Who does not want to dance until I fall by the sea to the music sets of the fashionable DJs on the planet?

The most famous beach discotheques in Odessa are Ibiza, Itaka and Amnesia.


Ibiza, as you might guess by name, is the most crowded and noisy club on the coast .In the afternoon it is a huge and famous first-class beach club in the heart of Arcadia with 300 sun loungers, swimming pools and bars .It's never boring here: firstly, the music is constantly played on the beach in a non-stop mode, under which you can dance, and secondly, there is always the opportunity to do different kinds of sports .And at night, Ibiza club opens its doors, which turns a serene beach into a realm of music and light .In Ibiza, until the dawn, youth dominates, carelessness and unrestrained fun .Here you can not only dance from the heart, but also become a witness of an entertainment show, which takes place in the disco scene every night .

Sometimes pop stars come here to please the club's visitors with their favorite songs.

Ibiza is a two-story building, whose interior is amazing: white sofas, walls, partitions and decorative elements - all this is highlighted by neon lights and reminds of the snow hills illuminated by the northern lights.

Club Ibiza


Club Itaka - the second beach disco, which is definitely worth a visit. For more than 10 years, the club has given visitors a unique atmosphere of the ancient Greek settlement: snow-white Doric columns, highlighted by bright lights, white sand, antique sculptures - all this makes you feel like the inhabitants of Mount Olympus. As in Ibiza, here you can eat deliciously, order any soft drinks, dance to a great house and enjoy the enchanting show program.


Amnesia is a club located on the right side of Arcadia. It differs from the previous two discos with a progressive musical direction - here techno, alternative and ambient are usually played. In this lounge club also entertaining shows, but more famous for his themed parties. The club Amnesia is much smaller than its brothers Ibiza and Itaka, and its interior is not so refined. However, this does not prevent Amnesia from being one of the most loved dance floors of Odessa citizens and spa guests.

In addition to Arcadia on the coast, there are many more attractive open-air discos, for example, Ostrow, Taboo and Bounty. They also have spacious dance floors, and, of course, in these clubs behind the turntables are professional fashion DJs who set the rhythm of the dance on a warm summer night.
Itaka Club

Clubs of Odessa: dancing non-stop all year round

Summer club terraces are open in Odessa only during the tourist season, so where to go have fun from October to May?

If you like top-tier clubs, where stars of show business usually rest, then you are welcomed with open arms by a luxurious EURO Party Club, which is located in the very center of the city .The main musical direction of the institution is the house .Here, strict dress code and face control are enough, but the entrance is absolutely free .Inside you are waiting for several dance floors, cozy hookah and romantic Love Café .It is noteworthy that every Saturday at the EURO stage is a real show ballet, and on other days you can enjoy other entertainment programs and stunning music from the best Ukrainian and foreign DJs .

For lovers of less pathos, but with really fun parties, the popular among the youth club Captain Morgan .This two-storey club was opened almost 10 years ago, but still does not lose its relevance .A large dance floor, excellent sound and dancing at the bar counter attract young and shocking party-goers .Also the club is famous for its alcoholic card - a great menu of shots and extreme cocktails amazes the imagination with its originality .In this institution there is a special atmosphere of spring, so here you want to dance for a house, sing loudly and fall in love .A special attraction of the club is a glass veranda that allows you to watch the frozen night city and to feel contrast with what is happening inside Captain Morgan .

In addition to these clubs, there are many other night clubs in Odessa: "Club: E", Lounge cafe Bellini, Palladium, Music Art Club "Respublica", Monte Cristo, Praetoria, "Cosmo Nova", "X Club" etc. Each of these places is worthy of your attention, not one of the clubs will not leave you indifferent. The choice is yours, it's a matter of taste.

But the tastes, as they say, are different for everyone, if not diametrically opposite: somebody needs the shine of neon lights and glamor, somebody has a rattling fun till the morning to the most crazy bits, and someone has enough pleasant atmosphere and sounds of the beloved music. All this is ready to offer you a night Odessa, generous to all sorts of green places for an experienced and energetic public.