What is in place of the fallen towers in New York?

Responses information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
September 11, 2001 in New York there was a terrible tragedy: as a result of the terrorist attack the World Trade Center was completely destroyed, buried almost 3,000 people under the wreckage. The main targets of terrorists, the most notable of the 7 buildings of the complex, the so-called twin towers, the North and South, with a height of more than 400 m each, were the first to collapse.

On the same day, the Mayor of the city declared: "We will be restored." This involved not only the state of people: the construction of a new World Trade Center will be completed in 2013. At the very site of the fall of the Twin Towers in 2011, the National September 11 Memorial & Museum memorial complex was opened. It is a two square pool, repeating the contours of collapsed buildings, surrounded by oaks. Water falls down from the nine-meter walls and then flows down the bottom into a square hole in the center. On the sides of the basins the names of the dead are memorialized, the museum of their memory is still being created.

Even before this complex was built, a temporary memorial was erected on the site of the tragedy. It is called "Tribute in the Light" (Tribute in Light). The projectors sent two powerful beams of light to the sky, symbolizing the collapsed towers of the WTC

January 13, 2012

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