1 boston airport

A rather unusual incident occurred at the airport of the US city of Boston According to the witness of the incident, 26-year-old Cameron Schenk came in in the women's toilet before the checkpoint in Terminal C, undressed in one of the booths, climbed up to the ceiling, climbed into the ventilation space and crawled somewhere.

However, the cover could not stand the weight of a strange tourist, and he fell. After the fall, the man attacked an 84-year-old passenger who was near him, bit him by the ear and tried to strangle him with a cane. The American, who arrived in time, also resisted the police, but was detained and taken to a hospital in the city of Massachusetts. There the man was assisted: an aggressive passenger suffered minor injuries while falling.

Now the hapless traveler is accused of attempted murder, assault and beating of a police officer, causing bodily harm, causing damage to property and indecent behavior. The motives for the deed remain unclear.

November 24, 2014
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