What is the symbolism of the US flag?

Responds the information department of the Tourism Subtlety
 US flag.png
Even those who are new to the national symbols of the world know that the national flag USA is a star-striped banner . There are 7 red and 6 white strips of the same width on the rectangular field (from below upwards) . In the upper left corner of the flag there is a blue square (its bottom side lies on the 3rd white count) with 50 white five-pointed asterisks . They are staggered and symbolize 50 states united in one state . (The Metropolitan District is an independent administrative unit, the asterisk is not assigned to it .)

The blue background color of the square is just a symbol of unity. The number of bands is also not taken for beauty, it is a memory of the fact that it was 13 states that founded the US state. In this case, the red color symbolizes the prowess of the founders, and the white symbolizes the purity of their thoughts.

This is the first time a banner of this kind was presented to the public on June 14 in 1777 (so now June 14 - Flag Day). Then on it there were only 13 stars. Then the asterisks were added as other states joined, and on July 4, 1960 the American flag became final.

October 27, 2011

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