Perhaps, one of the most "spiritual" places on the planet - Vermont . Just imagine: the mountains covered by forests hide lakes and rivers of purest water, small smart towns breathe hospitality and cordiality, local residents (not only people, but also "our brothers smaller ") live in a leisurely rhythm, every year with pleasure meeting thousands of tourists-guests . This is the house of maple syrup (believe me, tastier than local pancakes with this delicacy you have not tasted anything!), cheddar cheese and real American Teddy Bear . @ By the way, for the bears we go to the city to Waterbury, which houses the Vermont Teddy Bear Company store, which produces only hand-made toy bears with a lifetime guarantee .

The small size of the state of Vermont is more than compensated for by the abundance of New England beauties, as these lands usually call.

Vermont is small in terms of area and population, located in the northeast of the US and is officially nicknamed "The State of Green Mountains" (the word Vermont comes from the French Vert mont - "green mountain"). And still argue, from what happened the name - maybe from dense Vermont forests, and maybe from green mica found in the mountains. One thing is clear: the small size of the state is more than compensated by the excess of New England beauties, as these lands usually call.

Vermont is the leading producer in the US of the golden maple syrup that is made from the juice harvested in Vermont in spring from the "sweet" maple trees. Four varieties differ in color and taste, so when choosing a Vermont syrup as a gift to friends and family, make no mistake with taste.

The capital of the state is Montpelier. The largest city in the state is Burlington

How to get here

The ticket from Moscow to Burlington, where the largest international air harbor of the State of Green Mountains is located, will cost you from 43 thousand rubles. It is worth noting that, despite its duration - from 16 to 44 hours - and two transplants, the flight promises to be pleasant, thanks to caring stewards, ready to provide passengers with not only drinks, food and press, but also all sorts of board games. And if you're lucky and you get a talkative English-speaking neighbor, take the opportunity and practice the language.

Search for tickets to the city of New York (the nearest airport to Vermont)

When you arrive in Vermont, rent a car or use buses, plying all over the state. Another attractive way to travel is the most eco-friendly mode of transport, that is, a bicycle. But this is if you travel light from May to October and like to pedal.


The climate in Vermont is no less pleasant than its landscapes. In winter -7 ° C and a lot of snow, in the summer +21 ° C, in spring there will be a blossoming blossoming garden, spreading a wonderful fragrance around the area, and in the autumn - forests and parks, fascinating with the riot of colors. So rest in Vermont year-round. And most importantly - no frost, hurricanes or monsoons.

Entertainments, excursions and attractions

The capital of the state is the city of Montpelier - the smallest capital in the US. A small town hid in the heart of the Green Mountains, along the banks of the Vinuski River. The largest city in the state is Burlington. It is this picturesque town that has become the center of water recreation in this region.

Besides this, visitors to Vermont are attracted by the beautiful Lake Champlain with its Mississaer, Mount Filo and Burton Island reserves, the Mount Mansfield ski resort, the town of Brattleboro with its water center leisure facilities, the City Museum and the Art Center, the historic Schellburn Park with numerous New England settlement buildings, the Green Mountain national forest reserve and numerous ski resorts around.

Skiing or about roll in the quietness of trees on the plain, do mountaineering or hike through the mountains, ride on the Santa train, and in the evening sit in a cozy dining room by the crackling fireplace - is not this the dream of the weary citizens of civilization?

A small but amazing Vermont, in which, incidentally, there is not a single "McDonald's", even in the capital, amazes and fascinates its guests . In winter, they enjoy the view of festive villages drowning in the snow, sledding, skating on a frozen pond . Ride on downhill skiing or ride in the quietness of trees on the plain, go mountaineering or hike in the mountains, ride a Santa train, and in the evening sit in a cozy dining room by the crackling fireplace - is it not about this dream weary of civilization not?

In spring, Vermont come to the traditional maple festival - an action equal or analogous to which can not be found anywhere else in the world.

In the summer you are waited with musical festivals of the state, local wine and beer, vegetables and fruits, swimming, diving and walks in protected places.

And autumn is a riot of colors, when Vermont is painted by nature itself in all sorts of colors. It's walking on the mountains, cycling tours, river and lake excursions, wonderful fishing.

The Greenest Mountains of America

Ski resorts

The most popular of these is Killington, which has many trails, a total length of 140 km. In Killington, seven mountain peaks, six of which are connected by lifts, and up to the seventh peak - Pico - can be reached by bus in 10 minutes. From the top of the resort you can see 5 American states and Canada.

Like many New England ski resorts, Killington can suffer from a lack of snow on the lower slopes. In this case, Killington built an extensive system of artificial snow making, one of the largest in the world.

There are excellent conditions for skiers and snowboarders of different levels of training: 200 trails are equipped, 30% of them are intended for beginners, 39% for medium-level skiers and 31% for professionals. The maximum elevation difference on them is up to 970 meters. During the season up to the necessary descents of tourists 32 lifts are delivered.

In Killington, you are expected to travel by snowmobile and hiking with snowshoes, and those who like winter fishing will like ice fishing.

But that's not all. In addition to skiing, in the heart of the Green Mountain, as the town is called, you will be offered to ride a dog sled or a sleigh drawn by horses. Try your hand at the rock climbing wall, go skating, play tennis on the indoor court, swim in the pool or visit the sports center you are offered by Killington. Here you will find trips on snowmobiles and hiking with snowshoes. Fans of winter fishing will like ice fishing.

And you can have a refreshment in one of 100 restaurants and bars in Killington

There are also other well-known ski resorts in Vermont: Stowey, Mount Mansfield, the latter has the highest point in Vermont, and Stowe is well-known and is also loved as a spa resort that offers a huge selection of spa treatments in virtually any direction. @

Cultural and historical monuments and events

Fans of historical attractions like Shellburn, where you can visit several museums and the famous Shellburn farm, in the state capital visit the Capitol, do not miss the opportunity to look at the University of Vermont in Burlington and the round church in 1812 in Richmond. It's safe to say that having looked at all this, you will feel like a hero of "Harry Potter" and understand what is New England.

You are waited by local sweets, rolls, pancakes, coffee, cider - it's not for nothing that the people of the state decided to make food one of the sights.

Vermont is known for its rich cultural life. Those who are lucky to be here can get to a number of festivals, including the Green Festival, the Maple Festival, the Marlborough Music Festival, the Apple Festival, the Cheese Festival.

On average, the entrance to festivals costs $ 20.

The Symphony Orchestra plays regularly throughout the state, and every year the Shakespeare Theater Festival is held. Art lovers can also attend the annual Green Mountain Film Festival. And for the dessert you are waiting for local sweets, rolls, pancakes, coffee, cider - it's no wonder the people of the state decided to make food one of the attractions.

All prices are indicated for June 2013