The State of Virginia is often called the "Little Ireland in the US", referring not only to the ethnic composition of the local population, but also to the vast areas of green meadows and hills, the multitude of calm rivers and the large number of quiet villages among the hills, where all life bears the imprint of an era of colonization mainland Europeans . Virginia extends from the Atlantic Ocean to the Blue Mountain Range and Alleghen . This is one of the most historic states of the country, the capital of the Confederation, the site of the deployment of many events and, as Americans themselves believe, the place the birth of the nation as such .

The state is known and as the birthplace of the presidents. It was on this earth were born, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and another five American presidents

State Capital -. Richmond, close to the city - a tourist center of the state also includes Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Virginia Alexandria

. - one of the most historic states of the country

How to get there

Of course, tourists who decided to go to this "stronghold of American history" first of all arrive in Richmond. For those who fly from Moscow, it will cost from 40 thousand rubles. and 20 hours in flight with two transplants in the cities of Europe and America. However, do not let this frighten you. Rest assured that your holiday starts on board the aircraft, this was already taken care of carriers willing to provide you with the comfort and care of the most lovely stewardesses

tickets Search in Richmond (nearest the a / c to Virginia)

in Richmond. travelers who want to be more independent in their movements and are not afraid of mountain roads, usually take a car for rent. It costs, as a rule, from $ 30 a day, but it gives you the opportunity to enjoy views and landscapes, stopping at halts wherever you like. However, you can use local buses. They are quite comfortable and reliable and run all over the state.


The climate of Virginia is very diverse. The eastern regions of the state are characterized by a humid subtropical climate. In the mountains, climatic conditions are more severe, the climate here is continental with a rather high amount of precipitation.

Virginia is heavily exposed to the elements, thunderstorms in Virginia are quite common. The coast suffers from storms and hurricanes. Approximately seven times a year in Virginia, a tornado is observed. So before deciding to travel around the state, check your plans with weather forecasters and do not forget to grab the umbrella and jacket

Entertainment, sightseeing, attractions

Among the sights of Virginia you can name the Shenandoah National Park and Arlington National Cemetery . @ In addition, may be interesting for tourists Bush Gardens, John Washington Manor and Wolf-Trap Farm . Be sure to visit a complex of various bridges and tunnels through the Chesapeake Bay, go through the amazingly beautiful mountain range Ut Skyline Drive, a ride on the highway along the spine of the Blue Ridge and, of course, if you are traveling in summer, soak up the sun on the beach in Virginia Beach, listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest beach in the world .

Virginia Beach - the longest beach in the world

There are famous and, of course, interesting historical monuments on the territory of the state. These are, first of all, restored and reconstructed buildings, one way or another related to the colonial period. In particular, the house of George Washington (Mount Vernon), the house of Thomas Jefferson (Monticello) and other residents of Virginia, who glorified their name during the American Revolution and the Civil War. Start as their familiarity with the Virginia undoubtedly be with its capital.

sure to visit on a complex variety of bridges and tunnels across the Chesapeake Bay, go amazingly beautiful mountain route Skyline Drive and take a ride on the highway along the spine of the Blue Ridge.


small town of Richmond - the former capital of the Confederacy . to the best cultural city center include the historic center of Valentine , , Historical society of Virginia Museum of Fine Arts complex , , Richmond Symphony was founded in 1957 Rea mondsky ballet and acting since 1974 , Opera Theater Byrd Keritaune - classic cinema era 1920 , Science Museum on Broad Street, and adjacent to a Children's Museum, Museum of the Confederacy , near the Capitol and the White House of the Confederation , The National Park of the Civil War battles , as well as the historic iron foundry Tredegar-Iron-Works near the embankment

In Richmond, there is a well-known art community and a huge number of museums, and its University School of Arts is considered one of the most outstanding in the US

Richmond has a small number of green areas (40 parks with a total area of ​​more than 610 ha), the most popular of which are the Monroe Park near the campus, James River Park Systems and Forest Hill Park, the Garden of Azaleas Park of Joseph Brian, Bell-Ile on the island of the same name and Brown Island with venues for various concerts at the open and also the nearby Maymont Park with a small museum, gardens, a nature center, a collection of carriages and a children's farm.

The historical triangle contains the vast majority of objects from the time of the first wave of migration to the territory of the New World.

Historical attractions

@ The so-called Historical Triangle, in which the vast majority of objects from the time of the first wave of migration to the territory of the New World are concentrated between the three ancient towns, includes the town of Jamestown, in the Chesapeake Bay, Williamsburg is the largest restored historic city in the US, and Yorktown is the battlefield of the final battle of the War of Independence. . And just one hour west of Richmond, at the foot of Blue Mountain Range, lies the historic center of Thomas Jefferson-Charlottesville , famous for its restored historic buildings .

Now the site of the old fort James is the historic park of Jamestown, which reproduces the life of the first English settlers, a favorite place for tourists for photo sessions.
Wine before horns of Virginia

Natural attractions

Rich history and magnificent nature turned Virginia into one of the main tourist centers in the country . Huge areas of forests descending from the mountains to the valley in the west and occupying almost all the rest of the space to the beaches of the Atlantic coast, generously endowed not only with fresh mountain air and singing of birds, but also with wild flowers and berries, a huge number of squirrels, opossums, foxes, deer, which will especially please the avid hunters . The rivers and lakes of the state, in beech the rich sense of the world is full of variety of fish species, pleasing fishermen from all over the world .

Rich history and magnificent nature have turned Virginia into one of the main tourist centers in the country.

Adherents of ecotourism after visiting the capital, of course, should go to the National Park Shenandoah, wiped west of Richmond. The Shenandoah Valley is known for its caves, waterfalls, popular resorts and vineyards.

There are almost 60 wineries in the state that offer to try their products or make an excursion to the shops or to the picturesque plantations of the surrounding area.

Here you can go on foot, horseback and bike excursions, to practice speleology and rock climbing, to ride on rafts and kayaks, to fish, to enjoy views and endlessly photographed. All this will turn Virginia into a fabulous place for you, after which you will definitely want to come here again.

All prices are for June 2013