California is perhaps the most famous, most populous state of America with an incredibly diverse nature, as well as a developed economy and a tourist complex.

According to rough estimates, every third American is Californian.

California is also called the "Golden State", because it was here that in 1849 the symptoms of the American gold rush first appeared. California attracts tourists with its famous beaches with cozy bays, for miles stretching along the Pacific coast; mountains, picturesque plains, numerous salt lakes and river valleys. It is here that the world-famous "dream factory" - Hollywood, the fashionable Los Angeles and the colorful San Francisco.

But the main city of the state, its capital is Sacramento. This city, standing in the delta of the river of the same name, is of great importance in the history of the development of the United States of America.

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  • 1 A bit of history
  • 2 Climate of Sacramento
  • 3 Entertainment, excursions and sightseeing Sacramento
    • 3.1 Also recommend

A bit of history

His history dates back to 1848, when the son of a Swiss emigre, a fairly powerful landowner (it was on his lands that first discovered deposits of precious metal in the United States), founded his own fort and a small trading company in the form of a colony here, his name was John Sutter the Younger.

It was Sacramento that was the first settlement in California to be given the status of a city, and in 1854 it was proclaimed the capital of the state, this recognition cost the local authorities one million dollars.
Thanks to active gold mining, Sacramento began to develop rapidly in the 19th century.

Thanks to active gold mining, Sacramento began to develop rapidly in the 19th century: the first railroad was laid on the North American continent, which contributed to an even more active development of all industrial and economic spheres of the city .In the middle of the 20th century, Sacramento became one of California's most influential industrial centers with its own railway station, domestic and international airports, man-made canal and a huge port .In the vicinity of Sacramento is one of the largest bases of deployment of the US Air Force .

At the same time, the city was able to preserve its special color - surrounded by skyscrapers, offices and ultra-modern manufacturing enterprises, lives in its own rhythm Old Sacramento with old (completely restored) buildings with a maximum of three floors, cozy cafes and restaurants, and numerous parks .A walk through the historic center of the city will take you a century and a half ago, in the era of great American dreamers and gold hunters .In Old Sacramento, there is also a jetty, where regular excursion boats along the river along the city .

Climate of Sacramento

Sacramento is a city with an incredibly mild climate, a warm and very humid winter when the average daily temperature is +8 ° C, and dry, but not sultry in summer with an average daily temperature of +26 ° C.

Entertainment, excursions and sightseeing Sacramento

One of the earliest monumental buildings in the city, oddly enough, is the California State Capitol, built as far back as 1874. Perfect from an architectural point of view, the complex is surrounded, moreover, by a picturesque park. In the Capitol is also the City Museum with an extensive exposition dedicated to the difficult and full of interesting events in the history of Sacramento.

Also in the city is one of the most grandiose railway museums around the globe - the exhibits presented in it, as well as the atmosphere reigning there have not left any visitor indifferent. It will be interesting to visit the city lighthouse, also located in the historical part of Sacramento, an ancient twisted staircase leads to the observation deck, from where a stunning view of the city and the bay opens.

Sacramento Tour

The favorite vacation spot for both tourists and locals is William Land Park, which stretches almost a hundred hectares. Here you can not just wander in the shade of centennial alleys, but also play golf or even visit the zoo, where many kinds of exotic animals are collected. In general, Sacramento can be proud of its parks, which in the city already eight dozen.

You can diversify your leisure in Sacramento by going to the ballet (after all there is a permanent city ballet troupe) or visiting one of the concerts of classical music that the local symphony orchestra regularly gives. It will also be interesting to visit Fort Sutter, completely reconstructed in accordance with the spirit of the 19th century. Of the modern architectural monuments, the Ziggurat pyramid, erected on the river bank, stands out for its impressive size.

The city has many bars, cozy cafes and restaurants, serving California, Mexican and European cuisine, excellent fish dishes, and the famous Californian wines.

Photos of Sacramento (17)