The Metropolitan Museum

1000 5th Ave., NY 10028

Museums of New York Among the many attractions of New York an important place is occupied by one of the largest art museums in the world - the Metropolitan Museum. It was founded in 1870 by the Union League Club of New York - a group of businessmen and admirers of art.


11 W 53rd Street, New York

Museums of New York Ground floor: a sculptural garden, Picasso's "Goat". The second floor: printed graphics and a gallery of contemporary art - our contemporaries. Third floor: architecture and design.

The Guggenheim Museum

New York, 5th Ave

Museums of New York The museum appeared in the late 60's, when the copper-coal king Solomon Guggenheim, in his declining years, discovered all the charm of philanthropy. In the halls of the museum, a record collection of late 19th and 20th century canvasses (in the order of 6000 masterpieces) was collected, including works by Kandinsky, Chagall, Pollack, Serra, Warhol, Van Gogh, Gauguin and Picasso.

Brooklyn Museum

200 Eastern Parkway, New York

Museums of New York In the collection of the Brooklyn Museum: Egyptian antiquities, French impressionists, the most scandalous exhibitions in New York, sculptures of the late 19th - early 20th centuries, one of the finest in the world of Egyptian collections.

Cooper-Hewitt Design Museum

2 East 91st Street, New York

Museums of New York The Cooper-Hewitt Collection, National Design Museum has over 250,000 design products. Once every three years, the All-American design triennial is held here.

Cloisters Museum

99 Margaret Corbin Drive, New York

Museums of New York Almost a real medieval monastery in Manhattan - The Cloisters - primarily an architectural museum. In the collection: crucifixes, sculptures of saints, sarcophagi for the relics, Limoges enamels and much more.

Whitney Museum

945 Madison Ave Manhattan, New York

Museums of New York The world's largest collection of American art of the 20th century is the Whitney Museum of American Art. It is interesting how the building itself (the brainchild of one of the "Bauhaus"), and the temporary expositions that are held here.

Frick's meeting

1 E 70th St, New York

Museums of New York A private collection of old European masters (The Frick Collection): painting, sculpture, graphics, furniture, porcelain, enamel and carpets. Two halls are devoted to Boucher, one to Fragonard, to the dining room to Gainsborough, Reynolds and others.

Center for Contemporary Art P.S. 1

22-25 Jackson Avenue, Long Island City, New York

Museums of New York The MoMA branch in the old secondary school building. In the collection: wall paintings of staircases and several installations, temporary exhibitions.

In museums and galleries in New York, everyone will find an exposition to their taste .The most famous museum venues in the city are the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Solomon Guggenheim Museum of Contemporary Art, the Center for Contemporary Art, the American Museum of Natural History .However, tourists are equally interested in visiting the Living Museum in Queens and the Cooper-Hewitt Museum of Design and Decorative Arts, the Gallery of the Chinese House and the Spanish Society of America, the Museum of American Folk Art and the Museum of American Indians, the Museum of African Art and the New York Jazz Museum, the Museum a seaport on the South Street, a variety of thematic museums of Police, Architecture, Transport ... In addition, the city has more than a hundred private art galleries .

Perhaps the largest and most famous is the New York Metropolitan Museum with one of the world's richest collections of paintings and sculptures of all time.

Perhaps the largest and most famous is the New York Metropolitan Museum with one of the world's richest collections of paintings and sculptures of all time. Opened in 1872, it is widely known for the fact that anyone can visit it: even without having $ 20 per ticket, it is enough to give him a few coins or even ask for a free badge-badge, which can then be left to your memory.

The art of the 20th century is dedicated to three separate collections: the Solomon Guggenheim Museum of Modern Art on Fifth Avenue, the Museum of Contemporary Art on West 53rd Street and the Whitney Museum of American Art at the corner of Madison Avenue and 75th Street. In addition, a vast and diverse collection of works of art is exhibited in the Brooklyn Museum in Eastern Parkway.

For several centuries the history of New York eagerly fed on the cultural heritage of many peoples living in America .That is why the city has so many museums in which African, Indian and other ethnic exposures are represented .They can be called the repositories of the history of entire civilizations that developed not only on the continent, but also in the corners of the globe far from America .Monuments of architecture were also created by a single generation, not only Americans, but also immigrants, who brought their contribution to their unique style .

In addition to the famous skyscrapers in New York, there are also buildings with a light European accent, some of which are today historical museums.

The history of the "Big Apple" is fraught with a lot of interesting facts: the opening of the metro, the construction of libraries, the construction of skyscrapers. That's why there are museums in the city that will tell you about these and other important moments in full, revealing to you the unexplored sides of this or that event from the life of the metropolis.

Particular attention deserves fascinating "natural museums": in New York there are as many as three zoos and two large botanical gardens. You can walk for hours on the green alleys, designed to be a zone of relaxation for residents and guests of the metropolis, tired of the rabid rhythm of the big city.