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In the very center of the city there is a "metal" brainchild of the architect Frank Gehry . Someone calls this eccentric building with an area of ​​42,000 square meters ugly, and someone notes its originality . In this building is located one of the most interesting museums of the state - opened in 2000, the History of Music Project . The idea of ​​creating the museum belongs to the admirer of the work of Jimmy Hendrix - co-founder of Microsoft Corporations Paul Allen . Numerous galleries of the museum offer you to see the music ins exhibited in them pipes, clothes, photos and video recordings of world musicians . By the way, in the museum each guest can record their own song, learn to play the guitar and even perform in the arena before the many thousands of people .

In the very center of the city there is a "metal" architect Frank Gehry

In 2004, in an unusual building, the Museum of Science Fiction was opened, which tells about starships, aliens and everything that does not lend itself to a classical scientific explanation. In the Hall of Glory, founded simultaneously with the Museum of Science Fiction, you can learn everything about the life and work of great science fiction writers and directors. In total, the museum has about 80,000 amazing exhibits.


+ 1 (206) 770-2700; 325 5th Ave N, Seattle, WA 98109.

Working hours: Mon-Sun 10: 00-17: 00, and from May to September Mon-Sun 10: 00-19: 00; entrance - $ 20, for the elderly over 65 years and students - $ 17, for children and adolescents from 5 to 17 years - $ 14, for children under 4 years - free.