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Among the many attractions of New York, one of the largest art museums in the world - the Metropolitan Museum - occupies an important place. It was founded in 1870 by the union of the Union League Club of New York - a group of businessmen and admirers of art

Its main difference from most museums is financing: most of the funds for its development and maintenance come not from the state, but from donors and sponsors

How to get there

The Metropolitan Museum is located in the heart of Manhattan Island, Fifth Avenue, 1000. You can also get to the museum from 81 and 82 streets. To get here it is the easiest to take a taxi, but it is possible and on the metro - the trip will cost a little over $ 2. By taxi (traditional yellow cab), depending on the distance (area of ​​the city of New York) travel can cost $ 40-75. The price of a taxi ride will also depend on the time of day. Day planting will cost $ 2, 50, each kilometer of the way - $ 1, 5 or 40 cents for every 267 m run or 120 seconds of waiting.


At the Metropolitan Museum realized a very interesting payment scheme: the price is indicated, but You can go to the exhibition for any sum of money, even for one coin of any value. And you can and do for free, just asking for an entrance ticket. Tickets are also very unusual - they are colored icons that can be attached to clothes, and then taken with a memory. In this case, you will not be able to go through with one icon for two days in a row - you will have to determine your color for each day, the ritual of "mining" the ticket will have to be repeated.

For $ 7 you can pay for audio guide services - although in Russian it is not provided yet. But on the information desk you can take the plan of the museum in Russian - it's easy to learn from the portrait of Garshin by Repin.

 Metropolitan Museum, New York  Metropolitan Museum
Metropolitan Museum
 Inside the Metropolitan Museum, New York  Metropolitan Museum
Inside the Metropolitan Museum
 Medieval Hall, Metropolitan Museum, New York  Metropolitan Museum
Hall of the Middle Ages

Going to the Metropolitan Museum, be prepared for a large number of visitors: since the morning there are going to a lot of people who want to touch the beautiful. And if you are aiming to inspect all the exhibits, prepare to go to the museum every day for at least a week.

You can relax and have a snack at one of several cafes offering fast food.

The museum allows photography without flash and a tripod, but the video recording is prohibited.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City

Museum exhibits

At the beginning of the XX century the museum began to gain worldwide fame. This is due in no small measure to the unique exhibits of the collection: in 1907 the collection was enriched by the canvas of Auguste Renoir, later there were still many masterpieces of impressionists and post-impressionists. The museum was lucky for the works of the portraitist Jan Vermeer - there were only about 40 paintings of his authorship, and 5 of them were in the collection of the Underground.

Today the exposition includes more than two million works of art. The basis of the collection of the Metropolitan Museum is three private collections, including a collection of John Kensett - 38 paintings of famous artists.

In addition to works of artists in the museum, works by photographers Diana Arbus, Walker Evans and others, as well as one of the most complete in the world of collections Egyptian art. Once a year, the museum publishes an "Annual Report" describing the new acquisitions.

The first president of the Metropolitan Museum was George Clooney, and the executive director was George Bush.
A @ World of Art: The Metropolitan Museum of Art

to pay special attention to the following departments of the museum:

  • American art - painting, sculpture, interiors of different epochs,
  • weapons and armor - European and Middle Eastern armor, an extensive collection of Japanese weapons,
  • drawings and lithographs - works by many famous authors , including Rembrandt, Goya, Durer,
  • Ancient eegipetskogo art - jewelry, statues, tombs of ancient Egyptian and Middle kingdoms of
  • medieval art - objects from the XIV to the XVI century, the Byzantine and Celtic art, Gothic and Romanesque sculptures, tapestries and stained glass windows;
  • of contemporary art - painting, sculpture, graphics and architecture since 1900.

Each exhibit has a tablet on which besides the name, the author's and the donor's names, some interesting fact about this work is written.

The museum is constantly in these and other halls are undergoing reconstruction work, therefore, intending to visit the exhibition, please check in advance which sections are not working at the moment.
 The Model as Muse Exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum, New York  Metropolitan Museum
Exhibition The Model as Muse
 American Wing, Metropolitan Museum, New York  Metropolitan Museum
@ American Wing
 Hall of Asia, Metropolitan Museum, New York  Metropolitan Museum
Asia Hall
 Hall of the Middle East Art, Metropolitan Museum, New York  Metropolitan Museum
Hall of Middle Eastern Art
 Sculpture Hall, Metropolitan Museum, New York  Metropolitan Museum
Sculpture Hall
 Hall of Contemporary Art, Metropolitan Museum, New York  Metropolitan Museum
Hall of Contemporary Art
 Ugolino and his sons, Metropolitan Museum, New York  Metropolitan Museum
Ugolino and his sons

Reviews of the Metropolitan Museum (3)

Evaluation 9

Full Day Delight @ March 31, 2014

was here in May 2013
To the Metropolitan It was not possible to walk from the center of Manhattan to the New York City Museum. On the map the distance did not seem too big, but after more than half an hour along the Central Park, accompanied by a rainy season, they froze and had to take a taxi.

For the entrance to the Metropolitan stood in line for at least 20 minutes, but then immediately plunged headlong in a rich world of unsurpassed paintings and a lot of valuable exhibits of the museum.
Did not deny yourself a chance, despite hunger and fatigue, to spend here ... Read the whole review

 Metropolitan Museum  Metropolitan Museum  Metropolitan Museum
Evaluation 10

Huge Museum August 16 2013

was here in August 2013
Hello! After visiting the Underground in the past year, there was just a bunch of positive emotions. So large the size of museums, we have not yet seen, so that it can be bypassed all, at least a week. The museum includes four floors on each of which you want to get around and examine everything. The main feature of this museum is that the entrance to the interior is purely symbolic, you can pay from a cent to twenty-five dollars. At the entrance you will be given a letter that will be your entrance ticket .... Read the full review
 Metropolitan Museum  Metropolitan Museum  Metropolitan Museum of Art  Metropolitan Museum
Evaluation 10

Museum for people August 02, 2013

was here in June 2012
I liked it very much! The excellent location of the museum is in the very center of the city, there is a heap of transport to it, so it will not be a problem. The first secret is hidden at the entrance. Above the cash register hangs a sign that the entrance costs 20 dollars. but it's made for tourists. The girl at the reception explained to us that in fact you can pay any amount from a few cents to infinity and you will still be missed. We decided to experiment and paid $ 2, for which we received yellow badges ... Read the full review
 Metropolitan Museum  Metropolitan Museum  Metropolitan Museum @ museum  Metropolitan Museum