The Beldersay ski resort, located on the steep spurs of the Tien Shan, is remarkable for two things: exclusively "cold" slopes and proximity to Tashkent - only an hour drive . The striking phenomenon of Tien Shan slopes is that snow does not melt here, even when the air temperature reaches an incredible +15 ° C! The season of skiing in Beldersay lasts from November to May, and you can enjoy dry and elastic snow, and when the markets of Tashkent are bursting with the abundance of fruits, and when the Fergana Valley is covered with an amazing flower carpet. . The history of the resort development of the region began in the 19th century, when the tsarist general - Governor von Kaufman fell under the charm of Beldersay and built his residence here . The ski center in the resort was established in 2000, so the infrastructure is quite new, in addition, it is maintained in good condition . Service and "April "Entertainment in Beldersay is not very developed, but nature is a miracle, how beautiful!

Skiing in Beldersay can be recommended to experienced skiers: the trails are quite difficult

How to get to Beldersay

Beldersay is located 85 km from Tashkent, to the airport of which regular flights from Moscow and St. Petersburg to Aeroflot , "Transaero", S7 and "Uzbek Airlines". The distance between Tashkent and Beldersay is most conveniently overcome on an organized transfer, having pre-ordered it in the hotel or boarding house of the resort where you plan to stay. But in the absence of such one, it's easy to get to Beldersay: you can take a taxi to the resort right at the airport in Tashkent.

Another, cheaper option is to negotiate with the "private trader": many residents of Tashkent earn extra money in the season by delivering skiers to the base. The cost can be easily brought down to 800-1000 RUR.

There are two roads from the capital of Uzbekistan to Beldersay: the modern highway through Gazalkent and the old "serpentine", climbing the mountain slopes over the Charvak reservoir. On the expressway, you can get to the resort in 40 minutes, but the mountain road will reward the patient with stunning views.

The most budget option, suitable only if you arrive in the daytime - go by bus from Tashkent to Gazalkent for 1 USD, then - for 4 -5 USD by taxi to Beldersay

Search for air tickets to the city of Tashkent (nearest airport to Beldersay)

Hotels Beldersaya

Best hotel Beldersay is a four-star hotel complex "Beldersay Oromgohi", towering on the edge of a cliff at a height 1800 m . Within walking distance from hotel there is a chair-chairlift site . The hotel has comfortable rooms and plenty of leisure facilities - swimming pool, sauna, fitness center, and an excellent à la carte restaurant . The cost of accommodation ranges from 90-125 USD . @ You can also stay in the pretty "treshka" "Snow Leopard" for 65-75 USD "from the nose", and budget tourists are taken cottages of sports complexes (30-50 USD per person per day) . Also it is not difficult to settle in Beldersay in the private sector - local residents willingly rent their "mansions" to the enthusiastic skier . From nice houses and cottages on the top of Kumbel mountain in addition a magnificent view of the mountains and valley opens .

There will be difficulties with exchanges of currency in Beldersay - it is strongly recommended to do this beforehand in Tashkent

Weather forecast

The resort is located at an altitude of 1500 meters, the ski season formally lasts from November to May, but the best skiing here in January-February. Beldersay has a sharply continental climate, and the severe influence of Siberia on the one hand and the Himalayas on the other can be clearly felt. Snow falls in November, but the formation of snow cover is unpredictable: in other years it is possible to skate since the end of November, sometimes you have to wait for the middle of December. Weather conditions in general can not be called favorable: blizzards, snowdrifts and avalanches are frequent

Beldersay's highlight - sharp changes in daytime and night temperatures: in November it can be up to +15 ° C in the daytime and up to -20 ° C at night. Thanks to this, dense and dry snow acquires excellent slip properties
Species Beldersaya

Slopes and ski passes

In Beldersay two tracks - on the slope of Kumbel mountain and the so-called "lower" plus a large number of sections for virgin skiing.

In general, skiing in Beldersay can be recommended to experienced skiers: the trails are quite complicated.

The height of the upper mark of the route on Mount Kumbel is 2350 m, the length of the route is 3020 m with a drop of heights of 765 m. The average slope is 27 °, in some places the steepness of the slopes reaches a record 52 °. The train is served by two lifts, a cable-chair and tow type. The cable-chair road stretches for 2500 m, the height difference is 565 m; the length of the tow ropeway is 700 m with a height difference of 200 m. The Doppelmaer ski lift lifts up to the top of Kumbel mountain skiers

"The lower" black track is characterized by extensive skiing areas and is maintained in excellent condition by snowmobiles.
The local ski slalom track is recommended by FIS as one of the best Eurasia routes.

Also there are excellent opportunities for virgin skiing in Beldersay. The length of freeride-sites is about 2 km, to the top point tourists are delivered by helicopter. The most popular are 4-6 sites of varying length and orientation. Approximate cost of heli-ski is 350 USD per day per person.

As there are no such ski passes in Beldersay - every use of chairlift and rope road is paid. To ride on the "chair" costs about 3, 50 USD, on the bugle - 1, 20 USD.

Entertainment, excursions and attractions Beldersaya

After-hours entertainments in Beldersay are rather few - the resort comes first of all to enthusiastically skate from morning to evening. If, after a stressful ski day, you still have the strength to "apres", you can go to the pool, sauna or gym to the hotel "Beldersay Oromgohi", and in the evening relax at the disco. Even at the resort there are several nice cafes and restaurants with a breathtaking view of the mountain massifs.

"Outbound" entertainment also does not differ in variety. You can go on an excursion to Tashkent and the Chirvak hydro-power plant or to reach the neighboring ski resort of Chimgan (4 km) with a similar set of amusements on site.