Cuban retro cars: look at them while you can
Cuban retro cars: look at them while you can
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There are only a few places in the world where you can see modern Toyota retro T models traveling around the streets, and Cuba is one of those places. The abundance of classic cars is the result of long-standing trade restrictions, and at the same time a key element of Cuba's romance, as if stuck in time.

Why can Cuba boast so many retro cars? Until October last year, residents of the cube were prohibited from buying and selling vehicles without government permission .Free to trade could only be cars purchased before 1959, when the Cuban Revolution took place .This spodvignulo car owners to show ingenuity and all their creativity to make their cars last longer .By equipping their old machines with new engines, appliances, re-making the lining and painting, they were able to extend the life of their vehicles instead of taking them to the landfill, as in the Western world .In fact, those cars that you see on the streets, like a designer from different parts: the tire from here, the dashboard from there, the paint is the same as that painted at home, and the invariable rabbits from the playboy on almost every car .

June 29, 2012
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