Add review about International Museum of Puppets them. Shankara

Lovers of hand-made for certain will not leave indifferent huge collection of dolls, collected by Shankar Pillai, a famous journalist and master of cartoons, from around the globe. You can get acquainted with it in the International Museum of Dolls. Shankara.

The history of the museum starts from the moment when Shankar Pillai received a doll from the Hungarian ambassador in a Hungarian national costume. After this moment Shankar began to bring dolls from all over the world, and soon his collection already numbered more than 500 copies. The museum was opened in 1965 and currently has about 6,500 exhibits.

The International Puppet Museum named after. Shankara

Address: Delhi, New Delhi, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, 4.

Working hours: 10:00 - 18:00

Entrance: Full ticket price 17 RS.

Information is indicated on 4 June 2014

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Czech puppets, International puppet museum named after Shankar
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Plastic dolls, International puppet museum named after Shankar
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Oriental dolls, International Puppet Museum named after Shankar
 Puppet Making, International Puppet Museum named after Shankar, Delhi  International Puppet Museum named after. Shankara
Puppet Making, International Puppet Museum named after Shankar
 Indian dolls, International puppet museum named after Shankar, Delhi  International Puppet Museum named after. Shankara
Indian dolls, International puppet museum named after Shankar
 The doll with which the collection began, the International puppet museum named after Shankar, Delhi  International Puppet Museum named after. Shankara
The doll with which the collection began, the International Puppet Museum named after Shankar