Mumbai, which the locals persist in calling Bombay, is "Indian Manhattan," which has fused with the Indian Hollywood (Bollywood), where more films are produced every year than in any other city in the world. Originally, Mumbai was a conglomeration of 7 islands that eventually merged and became the largest city in India, which consists of the following areas:

  • South Mumbai - Fort, Colaba, Malabar Hill, Nariman Point and Tardeo - the oldest district of the city and the commercial center of the whole country. Here live the richest people in India, and real estate is more expensive than in Manhattan. In addition, it is the most popular tourist area, where most of the city's museums, galleries, bars and restaurants are located.
  • South Central Mumbai - formerly the industrial center of the city, now - the location of the concentration of office buildings. Tourists here can only be interested in the zoo. A little to the north are the residential areas of the "middle class" of India.
  • North Central Mumbai is the place where Mumbai "middle peasants" live and most of the immigrants live. Tourists here have nothing to do.
  • Western Suburbs (western outskirts) - this place was also chosen by local rich people, who, however, prefer a more measured pace of life. There are several beaches, the most famous Christian church in the city and two airports nearby.
  • Central Suburbs - the area where the "middle class" Bombay is, absolutely uninteresting for tourists.
  • Harbor Suburbs - the former satellite of Bombay, now this area is an integral part of the city. Here is the Mumbai nuclear research center.
  • Northwest Mumbai - here are the cleanest beaches in the city, Sanjay Gandhi National Park and ancient temples that date back to the 1st century. BC. e. - 5 in. n. Kanheri, Mahakali, Jogeshwari and Mandapeshwar.
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Map of Mumbai


  • 1 How to get here
    • 1.1 Search for air tickets to Delhi (nearest a / p to Mumbai)
    • 1.2 By train
    • 1.3 By bus
  • 2 Climate of Mumbai
  • 3 Beaches of Mumbai
  • 4 Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Mumbai
    • 4.1 Also recommend

How to get here

Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport is the busiest in India, which accepts most flights from other countries of the world. Two terminals, international No. 2 (Sahar) and inner No. 1 (Santacruz), are located in km from each other. Free buses run between the terminals.

The terminal number 1 is divided into 1A (in which the state airlines Air India and Kingfisher Airlines are based) and 1B (where there are private Jet Airways, Simplify Deccan, SpiceJet and others). Terminal number 2 is not far behind, there are: 2A (most international flights arrive here), 2B (temporarily out of service) and 2C (receiving flights of the state-owned company Air India and its partners, the most comfortable terminal).

NB! There are no ATMs in the international terminals of the airport. In case of ordering a taxi, it will be necessary to exchange cash in one of the exchange offices.

The airport is 28 km from the city. The easiest way to get to the center is to take a taxi. You can make a reservation at the counter (450-600 INR), or take a taxi with a counter (more profitable and convenient only at very long distances). You can also catch a taxi or take the bus to the railway station Vile Parle, where trains run often to the city center. In this case, it is worth buying tickets only 1st class and not during peak hours (in the morning and in the evening, when the trains are very crowded).

Search for air tickets to Delhi (nearest a / p to Mumbai)

By train

Trains to Bombay come from all over the country. Compositions from the South, East and some parts of Northern India (the Central line) usually come at the station Chattrapati Shivaji Terminus (or Victoria Terminus, also called simply VT), Dadar Terminus and Kurla Terminus. The Western line connects Mumbai with the state of Rajasthan and other parts of North India, the main stations for such trains are Mumbai Central and Bandra. And Konkan Railway (the newest line) connects the Konkan Coast and Maharashtra State with Goa.

By bus

MSRTC (Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation) makes flights from Bombay (Mumbai Central Terminus Bus Station) throughout the state of Maharashtra. In addition to MSRTC, you can find many private companies (National, Sharma, VRL, Konduskar, Dolphin, Paulo or Southern Travels) that send buses to Udaipur, Ahmedabad, Surat, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Goa and other cities. As a rule, buses depart from the market of Crawford Market, Dadar T.T, Sion, Chembur and Borivili.

Climate of Mumbai

Mumbai March 1, Sunday
Cloudy, rain, thunderstorms
+25 ° C in the afternoon
+20 ° C at night
° С water
Mumbai 2 March, Monday
+27 ° C in the afternoon
+20 ° C at night
° С water
Mumbai March 3, Tuesday
+27 ° C in the afternoon
+19 ° C at night
° С water
10 days weather forecast for Mumbai
Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr MayJun Jul Aug sen Oct but IDec
in the afternoon +29 +29 +31 +32 +33 +32 +30 +29 +30 +32 +32 +31
at night+19 +20 +22 +25 +27 +26 +25 +24 +24 +24 +23 +20

In Mumbai, there are three seasons: the summer, the monsoon and the winter season. The best time to visit is in winter, from November to February. Summer lasts from March to May, at which time the thermometer does not fall below + 30 ° C. From June to September, the monsoon reigns in the city, which organizes daily water procedures for the city.

See also the current weather forecast in Mumbai for 10 days.

Beaches of Mumbai

In Bombay there are several beaches, one of them is even within the city, but this is not the best place for a beach holiday in India. Water and some beaches here are dirty, during the monsoon - the current becomes very strong, and on a separate swimsuit can look askance. And yet, good beaches can be found in the Northwest Mumbai area (Aksa Beach and the beaches on the island of Manory), the Girgaon Chowpaty beach in South Mumbai is pretty, and Juhu beach on the western outskirts of the city (Western Suburbs).

Manori is a tiny island with beautiful beaches, where it is not safe to swim, is located in the Northwest Mumbai area. The beach, located on the northern part of the island is cleaner. This is an excellent place for a picnic or a whole weekend, there are several hotels and good restaurants with fish dishes. You can get here by taxi (~ 500 INR) or by bus to Marve, from where the ferry leaves (~ 2, 5 INR).

How the wedding is played in Bombay

Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Mumbai

In Mumbai is worth visiting Elephanta Island (Elephant Island), famous for caves with images of Shiva and look into the area of ​​Cala-Goda, where most of the city's galleries and museums are collected .Nearby is the Prince of Wales Museum with a very interesting collection of Gandhara art, Mughal miniatures, porcelain and weapons .Part of the compulsory program is the local fort with its three famous buildings: the Supreme Court, the University and the grandiose Victoria station, much more like a palace than the station .On the hill Malabar there are picturesque Hanging Gardens, the Temple of the God of the Sand of Valkeshwar, Zoroastrian "towers of silence", the cult sources of the Banganga-Tank and the caves of Djogeshvari .

Among other things, there is enough entertainment for the originals in Bombay: one can dig for half a day in seductive junk at the Chor-bazaar flea market or go for shocking photo-shots in Dhobi-Ghat .This is a quarter consisting entirely of small concrete baths, in which at the same time laundry is washed by thousands of washing-men .Wash, I must say, unusual for the European way: soap and clock beat on the sharp edge of a special stone, so that clothes are washed to an incredible purity, but the usual shirt can withstand only a few such "washings" .Washerwomen leave a strong impression, but they are best photographed from the railway bridge: tourists here do not favor .Another interesting place is Crawford's largest market in the city .In addition to its exceptionally wide range, it is also notable for the fact that at one time the small Rudyard Kipling loved to walk in its walls accompanied by a nanny .

  • Is Mumbai suitable for families with children

Photo of Mumbai (24)