Dead Sea
Tel Aviv

By alphabet By Region
  • Akko
  • Arad
  • Ashdod
  • Ashkelon
  • Beer -Sheva
  • Bethlehem
  • Herzliya
  • Jericho
  • Jerusalem
  • Caesarea
  • The Dead Sea (Israel)
  • Nazareth
  • Neve Zohar
  • Netanya
  • Tiberias
  • Tel Aviv
  • Haifa
  • Hamat-Gader
  • Hebron
  • Safed
  • Eilat
  • Ein-Bokek
  • Ein-Gedi
  • Jaffa
  • Akko
  • Arad
  • Ashdod
  • Ashdelon
  • Beer-Sheva
  • Bethlehem
  • Herzliya
  • Jerusalem
  • Caesarea
  • Dead Sea (Israel)
    • Jericho
    • Neve Zohar
    • @ Ein Bokek
    • Ein Gedi
  • Nazareth
  • Netanya
  • Tiberias
  • Tel Aviv
    • Jaffa
  • Haifa
  • Hamat Gader
  • Hebron
  • Safed
  • Eilat
 Cities and towns Rorty Israeli cities and Israel
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 Cities and resorts of Israel
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 Cities and resorts of Israel
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 Cities and resorts of Israel
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Cities of Israel

Many the cities of Israel, each of which has its own, unique face, became part of the state not so long ago, in the middle of the 20th century and later . Part of them - owners of a complex and eventful past, which left its mark in the form of monuments of architecture, , and religious . Some cities appeared only in the 20th century, but it is in them that you can really feel the rhythm of modern life . So, bright and noisy Tel Aviv, in comparison with the suburb of Jaffa, known as even a major port on the coast even before our era, has almost infancy . However, this did not prevent him from becoming one of the most important administrative centers .

Geographically advantageous position attracts Israeli cities a large number of beach lovers . Three seas, the Mediterranean, the Red and the Dead, wash the coast of Israel and form a resort zone . The longest considered Mediterranean coast . The settlements located in this part are considered to be days from the best places for family holidays . Eilat, located on the shore of the Red Sea, is a resort with the same natural attractions as the Egyptian resort of Taba . Dead Sea Cities for those who want to improve their health or bring in order face and body skin .


Jerusalem - the capital of the State of Israel and the main mecca for travelers from around the world . Numerous pilgrims come here to see religious shrines alive: put a note on the Western Wall, pray in the Temple of Coffin and the Lord, climb to the top of the Temple Mount to the Al-Aqsa mosque . Three world religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, consider this city sacred . Jerusalem is located between the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea, which is extremely convenient for fans of excursions, and is considered the oldest city on the planet . Even for a long time it was identified with a paradise on earth, apparently, that is why Jerusalem was so many times captured, destroyed and restored again . Most of the sights are concentrated in the Old Town, divided into quarters .

Tel -Aviv

Tel Aviv is the main cultural center of the country and a seaside resort, with golden-colored beaches, beautiful Mediterranean sea, big waves for windsurfing and numerous places for recreation and entertainment. There are more than 20 museums, and part of the center, built in the style of the Bauhaus, called "White City" is under the protection of UNESCO.

Bauhaus is a direction in architecture that arose in Germany (1919-1933). The main goal of the supporters of this style is the combination of functionality and beauty. Industrial goods, buildings should be as convenient as possible, but at the same time possess all the virtues of great works of art. Such ideas at the time of their proclamation were innovative. The characteristic features of the style are clear forms and asymmetry.

You can relax from the lively life of Tel Aviv in the adjacent suburb of Jaffa. It is here that the residents come to enjoy a quiet and measured pastime and historical sights.



Haifa is Israel's largest city and the most important seaport .This third largest settlement fully corresponds to the saying "Jerusalem is praying, Haifa is working, Tel Aviv is having fun" .It is not known exactly where his name came from .According to one version, since the city is located on the mountain, which serves as a protection for the harbor of Haifa, its name can be translated as "safe harbor" .A rich history, some of which is related to the Baha'i religion, has left behind unique sights, some of which are protected by UNESCO .The main attraction is Mount Carmel, which means the Vineyard of God .According to the legend, it was on her that the prophet Elijah lived .In addition, here you can find magnificent pine forests and beaches washed by the Mediterranean Sea .

Haifa is the place of pilgrimage of the Baha'is, adherents of the religion created in the 19th century. Famous Baha'i gardens attract not only the followers of this dogma, but also tourists.


Nazareth is the administrative center and the largest city in one of the six districts of Israel, the Northern District .It is located near the freshwater lake of the Sea of ​​Galilee, nicknamed the Sea of ​​Galilee and is known primarily for the fact that it was here that the childhood and adolescence of Jesus Christ took place .In Nazareth, preserved Christian shrines - the Temple of the Annunciation, built above the grotto, being in which the Virgin Mary learned of the Immaculate Conception, the Franciscan Monastery and the Church of St. Joseph .It is a multicultural city, the historical part of which is inhabited by Israeli Arabs .Most of these Arabs are Muslims, but about thirty percent are Christians .

Beer-Sheva and Ashdod

Beer-Sheva and Ashdod are the two main cities in the south of Israel. The first is the capital of the Southern District. The second - the fifth largest settlement on the territory of the whole country. Both cities have a long history and are mentioned in the Bible. Ashdod has recently been actively developing the tourist infrastructure, and now it is one of the famous Mediterranean resorts, the beaches of which are open to all lovers to soak under the warm rays of the Israeli sun.
