Ashdod (Ashdod) is a seaside town on the Mediterranean coast, which got its name from a former settlement of the same name, the oldest in Israel, whose history dates back several millennia. Ashdod is a wonderful resort with golden sand on beaches, azure color water, mild climate, allowing to swim in the sea almost all year round, and developed infrastructure.

This fifth largest city is part of the main port of the country and the most important industrial center .The industrial zone is in the north .South - these are residential areas stretching along the coast .Beaches with a gentle descent to the water with a length of at least eight kilometers - a local landmark .Here we constantly build .Each new quarter receives its name in accordance with the letters of the alphabet in Hebrew .Accordingly, the oldest quarters built in the 50's .20 century, called "Aleph" and "Bet" .In the 90's .it was here that the flow of emigrants from the Soviet Union poured in .And now the number of Russian-speaking population is quite significant, about one-third of the total population of the city .

In Ashdod, you can find so-called Russian restaurants, where, at a minimum, there are menus in Russian and supermarkets, which sell products that are familiar to a Russian but forbidden for a believing Israeli. For example, pork.
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How to get here

From many major cities of Israel you can get to Ashdod by bus. You can get there without transfer from Jerusalem. Travel time is an hour and a half. The fare to one side is 25 shekels. Buses No. 438 and 448 run regularly from morning until evening. Breaks between flights are small. The maximum waiting time is one hour. In the afternoon, buses departing from the Central Bus Station in Jerusalem or from the Central Bus Station in Ashdod run every half hour.

From Tel-Aviv and Beer-Sheva you can get there with transfers. Also from Tel Aviv, trains run towards Ashdod. The journey takes about an hour.

Search for airline tickets to Tel Aviv (nearest a / p to Ashdod)

History and culture

Modern Ashdod even bears the same name, as the ancient city, is still somewhat away from its historical location. However, this does not mean that one of the main ports of Israel has nothing to do with the former important maritime center on the Mediterranean coast. The first people appeared on this territory about 300 thousand years ago, and the first settlement, according to ancient sources, around the 17th century BC.

Who did not manage Ashdod .The city was constantly captured, leaving no strategically profitable port .The greatest influence was rendered from the sea in the ancient period by the Philistines .Then there were Israelis, Byzantines, Crusaders, Arabs .Today's Ashdod was founded in the mid-1950s .At first it was considered a place of residence for the employees of the seaport, but in the future, the constant increase in population and active development led to the fact that Ashdod was given the status of the city .Now it is a place of pilgrimage for many tourists and one of the cultural centers of Israel .


Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr MayJun Jul Aug sen Oct but IDec
in the afternoon +18 +18 +19 +23 +25 +28 +29 +30 +29 +27 +23 +19
at night+10 +10 +12 +14 +17 +21 +23 +24 +23 +19 +15 +11
water+18 +18 +17 +20 +21 +25 +28 +28 +28 +25 +23 +20


The beaches of Ashdod are known, first of all, with golden sand, gentle descent to the water and a wide coastal zone. Among them is Mei Ami, equipped with everything you need and located at the intersection of Hataelet and Nordau, Lido, offering a restaurant and several shops (Khataelet street), a youth beach Kshatot on Sderot Moshe Dayan, where in summer and in winter discos are held (in the summer - from 18.00 hours, in the winter - from 11.00). In the winter, discos are held even on Saturday, which is not typical for Israeli cities.

Ideal for family rest is the beach of Oranim, located between Lido and Kshatot. However, you need to be prepared that there is no necessary equipment for the beach. There are also several free beaches on Sderot Moshe Dayan, including the special Split beach located in the same section for the religious population. Women and men come here at different times. Most of the beaches in summer are open from 8.00 to 19.00. In September, the work time is reduced by one hour.

Since there are a lot of emigrants in Ashdod, and assimilation is a long and complicated process, often the behavior of local residents causes resentment from the religious part of the population. In addition to the fact that in shops you can find banned, non-kosher foods, the population does not zealously follow the canons of Judaism, allowing yourself, for example, to go to the beach on Shabbat.

Shopping and shopping

Ashdod is a commercial center. A huge number of shopping centers, actively opened here, since the 90's, will please any shopaholic. In addition to "local" brands, they can also find familiar international clothing brands for the middle class. One of the largest and most popular centers "City" (City Mall) was opened just in the 90's. It is located next to the Central Bus Station. From Sunday to Thursday, "City" works from 10.00 to 22.00, on Friday - from 10.00 to 16.00.

Since Israel is a religious, not a secular state, all the inhabitants of this country observe the Sabbath, the famous Sabbath, which is a kind of a day off. On this day and part of Friday, the Israelis do not work.

The Lev Ashdod shopping center is located on the corner of Balfour and Yeguda Halevi streets, in the heart of the city, and is a four-story building with numerous shops, cafes, restaurants and playgrounds. Sea Mall on Hagdud Haivri Street, in addition to shops, offers its visitors a climbing wall and a cinema. The schedule of work in the summer differs from the winter one.

Book popular Ashdod hotels at the best prices

West Boutique Hotel Ashdod from 12,127 rubles Ashdod Tayelet 21

Entertainment, excursions and attractions Ashdod

In Ashdod there are many beautiful parks, from which it is worth highlighting Lakhish and the park of Sand dunes .The famous hill of Jonah in the city is the supposed burial place of the famous biblical prophet .From the hill a wonderful view of the neighborhood .Also here you can find a dairy restaurant .The ruins of the signal tower and the remnants of the fortress Ashdod-Yam are attributed to the ancient architectural monument .Museum of Art for those who are not strangers to excellent .The founded exposition is devoted to modernity .Working hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday - from 10 .00 to 16 .00, Tuesday - from 10 .00 to 20 .00, Friday - from 10 .30 to 13 .30, Sunday - day off . Photo by Ashdod (19)