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This is the most visited national park in the country. There are a lot of them in Madagascar: here you can open your reserve almost at every corner. But it turned out that the tourists liked Montagne-d'Ambre more than others.

There are animals and plants in the park with the area of ​​18 thousand hectares, which you will hardly see in other parts of the island. Special attention should be paid to unusual chameleons - blue-nosed and short-tailed, and also to birds, of which there are more than 70 species.


It's best to walk in the dry season in the park. Wandering around Montagne-d'Ambre is a pleasure, caretakers have made trails stretching for 20 km. Along the way, the Petit-Cascade falls, which falls into the pool formed in the rocks, and the Peti-Lak lake, which is nearby. Palms, lianas, orchids and other exotic plants grow on the sides of the pathways

The park is located 800 km from Antananarivo, the nearest major city is Antsiranana. From Antsiranana to Montagne-d'Ambre can be reached by taxi.