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Perine National Park is located in the eastern part of Madagascar, 150 km from the city of Morondava. There are rain-covered evergreen forests, home to the largest population of lemurs indri. They, by the way, quietly neighbor with other animals.

The park is small, "only" by 800 hectares. As in Montagne-d'Ambre, there is a well-developed network of tourist paths. They help to quickly find the right place and do not give to get lost. Perine - this is the real kingdom of lemurs. In addition to indri, here live bamboo gray, red mouse, dwarf, shaluna, brown and woolly lemurs. Visitors will be lucky if they can see them all.

Perine National Park
 Indri, Perine, Antananarivo  Perine
Indri, Perine
 Fossa , Perine, Antananarivo  Perine
Fossa, Perine
 Perine National Park, Antananarivo  Perine
Perine National Park
 Sova, Perine, Antananarivo  Perine
Sova, Perine
 Chameleon, Perine, Antananarivo  Perine
Chameleon, Perine