2 Malaysian Airlines list of death wishes

A very dubious share in the rebranding campaign was launched by the airline "Malaysian Airlines" (Malasya Airlines), which lost two planes this year in air crashes. The carrier did not find anything better than how to arrange a contest "List of my dying wishes."

Only residents of Australia and New Zealand can participate in the promotion. Under the terms of the contest, it is necessary to compose a short story about what a person wants to achieve, what to have done or seen before his death. Among the prizes are a ticket to the economy class and iPad.

The idea provoked a whole flurry of criticism, given that 537 passengers were killed in two tragedies. At the moment the contest page on the airline's website is not available - apparently, the negative reaction has affected.

Note that in 2003, a similar unsuccessful action was launched by the Hong Kong Tourism Board. Then the agency made an advertisement, which said: "From visiting Hong Kong is breathtaking." At first glance, it was a completely harmless slogan, but at the same time, the virus of the SARS was raging in the region, killing about a hundred people.

September 3, 2014
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