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Sri Mahamariamman - the oldest Hindu temple in Kuala Lumpur and one of the most important Hindu shrines in all of Malaysia . It began to be erected in 1873 and was built by order and money from the head of the local Tamil community, migrant workers from South India, many of those who came to the country at that time for black work . The temple was dedicated to the Great Mother of Mariamman, whose cult is very popular among natives of the south of India, making up the lion's share of Hindus Malaysia . Originally it was built as a family sanctuary and for personal use only . So Sri remained until the 20s of the last century, when all those who wanted to start here . In 1885, the original building (which was rebuilt in stone after 2 years) was dismantled and moved from its previous location near the railway station to the current location in the Chinese quarter . Similar strangeness can be seen in Singapore: Sri Mariamman is also located in Chinatown, which is a bit paradoxical for the Hindu shrine .

Five tiers of Mahamariamman's Gopurama climb up 23 meter and serve as the basis for 228 sculptures of various characters of the Hindu pantheon.
The temple can be accessed daily from 6 am and until late evening - naturally, free of charge. Before the entrance, do not forget to take off your shoes.

In the close and colorful Chinese quarter of Kuala Lumpur, Mahamariamman is somewhat lost, although the lush gopuram made it much more noticeable. . Perhaps it was gopuram that turned Mahamariamman into a so recognizable and important architectural landmark of the capital . This gate tower is much younger than the temple itself: it was finally completed above the entrance only in 1972, which served as the completion of the serious reconstruction of the church itself begun in 1968 . Pyramidal gopuramas in the form of a rectangular c trapezium with several tiers - traditional design elements for Hindu sanctuaries . They are decorated with carvings and sculptures, often painted in bright colors . Gopuram Kuala Lumpur Mahamariamman - not an exception . Five of its tiers go up 23 meters and serve the basis for 228 sculptures of various characters of the Hindu pantheon . By the way, Indian carvers were engaged in sculptural decoration .

Gopuram Shri Mahamariamman

The temple is notable and interesting not only for its appearance but also for its interior: o The interior is decorated brightly and magnificently . Ceramic tiles for mosaic ornament were brought here from Spain and Italy . The main hall is decorated with frescos and murals . Inside, of course, there are abundantly painted statues of heroes of epics and Hindu deities . And the main value of the temple is a silver chariot with more than two hundred bellbells . It is used on the days of the festival of Taipusama, one of the most solemn and crowded among the Hindus . Taipusam passes in winter, and at this time Shri Mahamariamman come to visit pilgrims on only from Malaysia, but also from neighboring countries . During the holiday, Murugana is honored, the son of the god Shiva, who is extremely honored by the Tamils ​​. The annual festive procession starts from the temple . Murugan's statue is put in a chariot and as part of a solemn procession with pomp are taken to the outskirts of the city, to the temple complex of Batu caves .

Another festival attracting everyone's attention to the temple is the annual autumn festival of Diwali light. It takes place on the night of the new moon, which usually falls on the end of October and beginning of November. On this day the Hindus light many candles and lamps and put on new clothes, celebrating the victory of light over the darkness.