Fest season starts in Malta
Fest season starts in Malta
St. Julians during the festivities
As you know, Catholicism is the main religion of Malta. However, in addition to the established official Catholic holidays, each church, and with it the whole parish, celebrates the day of its patron saint once a year. On this occasion, city holidays are held, so-called festivals.

Traditionally, the fest season starts in June and continues throughout the summer .For every Maltese town or village, the festival always becomes a significant event, and preparation for it begins in a rather long time .Each parish church and nearby streets are adorned with beads of electric garlands and flowers .And during the three days before the festive Sunday festivals in the church serve liturgies, praising their patron saint .These days on the streets are festivals, accompanied by festive parades and fireworks, concerts of orchestras, choirs, folklore and other musical groups from different countries .The festive procession is moving along the streets, and its figure is headed by the Holy patron - the culprit of the celebration .The statue and all present are showered with bright confetti and sparkles .The holiday ends with a grand salute .There is some kind of tacit competition, especially between neighboring towns, where the fest was better .

June 20, 2011
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