Retro Mercedes

The closest spring in the picturesque Mexican Yucatan Peninsula will be the first multi-day race on retro-cars of various classes

The route will pass through all three states located on the territory of Yucatán (Campeche, Quintana Roo and Yucatán) and will include five main stages . All cars declared in the race will be divided into four sections based on their year of production: the most "pier odi "will go to the group of 1961-1970, and the oldest - in the group 1919-1930 . Only original models in excellent condition are allowed to participate, and the winner in each section will get the rider who made the least mistake . On any of the sections of the route, the speed can not exceed 70 kilometers per hour .

For ordinary travelers, this retro-display is of interest not only for the uniqueness of participating cars, but also for the accompanying program: cognitive excursions await at each of the stops of guests and participants and entertainment activities.

October 29, 2013
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