Add a review about the Gorongos National Park

Gorongos National Park is located in the southern part of the East African rift valley and covers an area of ​​4000 sq. M . m . The local rivers originate from the 1862-meter Gorongos mountain . Seasonal floods - not uncommon in the valley, the soil of which because of this is heterogeneous and serves as the basis for several different ecosystems . Here there are grassy meadows with acacias, and savannah, and dry sandy forests, and gorges of sandstone, and stunning tropical forests . Variety of fauna in the national park displays it is one of the leading positions in the whole of Africa . True, during the long civil conflicts in the state in the 20th century, the populations of large animals were destroyed by almost 95%, but, for example, the birds in the park during its heyday were more than 500 different species, and the situation has not worsened much since then . In the 1960s . it was figuratively said that the ark came to this place Noah .

Thanks to the natural barriers that separate Gorongos from the rest of Africa , there are several animals that are not found anywhere else.

2004 . the government of Mozambique together with the Kara Foundation decided to work together to restore the infrastructure and wildlife population in the park . From 2004 to 2007 . the fund transferred over 10 million USD for this case, during this time it was created wildlife reserve, and the park again spawned buffalo and wildlife . Nature took very little time to start taking its . And today in the park an international team of enthusiasts: scientists, engineers, managers and economists, to revive the national park , including due to ecotourism .

Two largest rivers of the park, Vunduzi and Nandunga, flow into Lake Urema and do not dry out all year round. The remaining rivers appear in the rainy season, which lasts from November to April. The lake forms a separate ecosystem, where you can see thousands of waterfowl. Another equally unique ecosystem is Mount Gorghos itself with its dense and wet rain forest


Nowadays in the Gorongos National Park you can see lions, elephants, buffaloes, leopards, hippos, zebras, crocodiles, servalov, civet , viverr, baboons, monkey-cartwheels, various ungulates. The world of birds is even more fantastic: from the original 500 species about 400 have been fixed today, and many of them are endemic.

There are about fifty lions in the park, and one of the most famous sights here is the Lion House. It was built as a camp in the 1940s, but was flooded during the next spill and abandoned by people. The lions were quick to take advantage of this and occupied the building, which now provides shelter from the rain, and allows people to know exactly where to find them.

Elephants in Gorongos have about 300, and they are truly wild, so they do not want to spend time is near the tourists. Nevertheless, in jeep safari you can get close enough to marvel at this majestic and powerful animal

Gorongos National Park

But the real pride of the park is still the birds . The best time to observe they are in November when migrating birds arrive in Mozambique and the local birds look as bright as possible due to the mating season . At this time in one day in the park you may have a chance to meet at least 150 different species . All sorts of herons , storks, cranes, marabou, ibis and fl mongo, bright parrots, guinea fowl and predators - vultures, eagles, kites, hawks and owls . It is hardly easier to say who you will not see here than to list those who can be met .

Due to the natural barriers separating Gorongos from the rest of Africa, there are several animals that are not found anywhere else . This is, for example, a specific zebra subspecies - Crochet . Dwarf chameleon of Gorongos mountain was discovered in 1971 ., and you can hardly find it in the park yourself: a female the size of a human little finger, male even less . Even more tiny but very special grasshopper Gorongos mountains were discovered only in 2012 . and officially recognized as a new species . And Gorongos' green-headed orolga is the dream of any ornithologist: it can be seen only on Gorongos mountain, and externally it differs from other African greenheads Orioles . Last and themselves are quite rare and are found only in old rain forests on the mountain tops .

Visit to the national park

Changing the seasons in Gorongosa plays no less a role for animal populations than the difference in landscapes . Tourists will most conveniently come to the park immediately after the end of the rainy season (March) to see a real kaleidoscope of wildlife . B this time of the year the territory of the whole park turns into a blossoming green oasis, and a huge number of crocodiles appear in the water bodies .. From May to June, the overgrown grass gives food to a number of ungulates, and impalas play in the meadows, and in rocky pythons, the largest snakes of Africa, mating season - you may even be lucky to notice one or two . From July to August, a lot of animals concentrate around the reservoirs, competing for food . In the spring, in September-October, the plains are covered with thousands of wild flowers, and in November-December, when the rains begin to pour, the migrating birds return to Gorongosa .

Gorongos National Park can be explored both independently and as part of the excursion, with a guide. Among the proposals - day safari in jeeps, which start at dawn, evening trips to enjoy the sunset, boat tours to the village of Vinho, to get acquainted with the life of local residents. In addition, packages for 2, 3 and 5 days have been developed for visitors; already the two-day period includes everything that was listed above.

Practical information

How to get there: direct flights connect Johannesburg with Beira. You can first get by plane to Maputo, and then - by local flight to Beira or Chimoio. Safari Camp of Chitengo National Park is located 200 km (about 3 hours by car) from the airport in Beira.

Opening Hours: April to June: 6:00 - 18:00, August to September: 5:30 - 18:00, from October to December: 5:00 - 18:30. From mid-December to April 13, the park closes due to the rainy season.

Entrance: daily ticket for visiting the park for foreigners: 20 USD, for children 10-17 years: 10 USD, children up to 10 years: free entrance (November 2014 )

Where to stay: in the park there is a complex of villas and bungalows with a spa, outdoor swimming pools, a full-fledged restaurant and a children's playground, as well as a camping place with tents and parking. The cost of placing on a premium villa (for four) is 508 USD per night, in a standard room for two persons - 107 USD, in a tent for two - 53 USD, a place in a campsite - 12 USD

The cost of transfer to one of Beira - 88 USD, from Chimoio - 74 USD.