Add a review about the island of Inhaka

The small island of Inhaka is directly opposite the capital, separating the Maputo bay from the Indian Ocean. This islet, just 30 km from Maputo, has become quite popular for winter holidays with tourists. The length of the island is about 12 km, its width is about 7, and about 7 thousand years ago it was still part of the mainland. The uneven coastline of the Ponta Torres Peninsula comes very close to the Makungulo Point, especially at low tide. There are only six settlements on Inhak: the same name is the main and five very small villages.

The island of Inhak was in such strategically convenient place that, despite the fact that Mozambique remained a Portuguese colony, in the 19th century the island was managed to occupy the British and remained here from 1823 to 1875. From here they could monitor the flow of slaves in the region. And in 1951 a biological station was built on the island to study marine life, and later a part of the shoreline was declared a nature reserve.

At present, Inhaca Island is quite popular among researchers and ecotourists as a route for the weekend.

The town of Inhak was founded as a missionary camp, and today it is inhabited by about 6 thousand people engaged in agriculture and fishing. At low tide, women collect crabs and oysters in the western lagoons. In the tide of the boat go fishing in the depths. There are two restaurants, a couple of bars, a grocery store and a market.

The first lighthouse was built in the northern part of the island in 1894 and remains here to this day: for a small fee, the superintendent will let you inside to take pictures from above. @

Currently, the island of Inhak is quite popular among researchers and ecotourists as a route for the weekend. The central part is cultivated fields, in the north - green meadows, on the east and west coast - dunes, overgrown with wood. Mangroves grow in the north and in the southern bay of Sacco. Beaches of the island are very, very good, and quite suitable for diving

From the west to the island there are three almost undamaged coral reefs, all referred to the protected area . Here you can see about 160 species of corals . Marine fauna is also rich : scorched, parrot fish, seahorses, barracudas, blackheads . In the summer, whale sharks and manta rays sail here; In addition, the route of seasonal migration of whale-humpback whales passes along the coast of the island . In the winter, bottlenose dolphins appear, although less often than humpbacks . Lasts are found on the western and southern coasts, forming groups of up to 14 individuals - the largest in South Africa . In summer, two species of turtle come for mating, loggerheads and leathery, they can be seen on the eastern banks .

Eventful end of the day on the island of Inhaka

In addition, about 300 bird species can be found on Inhaka , including migrants. Among them, for example, mangrove kingfisher, eagle-snake and pink pelican.

Two Inhacazul Lodge and Pestana Hotel are two epicenter of the tourist life of the town. They can organize all the excursions and tours available on the island, including diving and snorkeling. In addition, there is a camp for backpackers 5 minutes away from the town (you need to bring tents and drinking water with you)

Practical information

The island can be reached by ferry from Porto de Pesca (Maputo), which is sent on weekends at 8:00 and returns at 15:00. You can swim on a boat, but only in the tide. Another option is a small airplane that travels from Maputo airport to Inhaka in 15 minutes; daily flights.