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"Nucleo de Arte" unification plays almost the decisive role in the cultural life of Maputo. This association was created by the oldest commune of artists in the country and began work in 1921. Today, Nucleo de Arte occupies the old beautiful villa in the center of the capital and is a modern art gallery.

At the Nucleo de ' Artes "has exhibition halls and professional studios, master classes, meetings and seminars. Exhibitions here are held permanent and temporary, group and personal. On the territory there is a potter's zone and a garden, where you can catch artists at work during the day. Some of the creations are on sale.

Two of the most famous and most significant modern Mozambican artists, the painter Malangatana Ngvenya and the sculptor Alberto Kissano, began their career in Nucleo de Arta. In addition, more than a hundred artists are members of the community, and exhibitions are held regularly there. In recent years, artists from abroad are invited to participate in them.

The most famous project "Nucleo de Arte" is an exhibition of real weapons turned into art objects

The most famous project "Nucleo de Arte "is an exhibition of real weapons turned into art objects, Arms to Art . Several artists of the community worked on it, often those whose relatives and friends were injured during the hostilities . The exhibition was the result of the project" Transformation of weapons in the instruments of the Christian Council of Mozambique, whose goal was draw the remaining weapons of war and destroy them until the rifles and mines are resold to neighboring countries at bargain prices . In exchange for weapons, the villagers received agricultural tools and aggregates . Rifles, assault rifles, infantry mines . The exhibition made a great contribution to the reconstruction of the country after the Civil War, and its facilities are still exhibited in the gallery .

Some objects of the exhibition were shown in other countries or were purchased by foreign museums. For example, this is the "Throne of Arms", the work of the sculptor Kanavato (better known as Kester), called the most "eloquent object" of the museum. The armchair was created for the most part from AK-47 rifles. In 2002 he was captured by the British Museum. The museum acquired a similar work in 2005: it is the "Tree of Life", four artists have worked on the creation of 600,000 weapons items.

"Nukleo de Arte" is adjacent to the "Camissa" café, a permanent meeting point for artists. Anyone can come and talk with creative people, and in the evenings, especially on Sundays and holidays, there are noisy parties with live music.

Address: Rua D'Argelia, 194