Bicycles on the streets of Amsterdam, Netherlands

Amsterdam, perhaps, is the world capital of bicyclists - almost every inhabitant from early years acquires a two-wheeled friend. Sometimes the streets of the city are like the Tour de France, with the only difference being that not professional athletes are driving, but ordinary citizens who are hurrying on their own business.

The tourist, who first came to the busy streets and roads of the capital of the Netherlands, all this may seem like a nightmare, because at first it is not so easy to understand the rules of cycling and walking.

First of all, beginners should learn that for bicyclists special tracks are marked - pedestrians, unknowingly walking along the bicycle path, at best can undergo oral obstruction. "Tourists think they are at Disneyland. And the Dutch are sure that they are gods on bicycles, "- says the owner of the street bike rental.

"When the people of Amsterdam get on the bike - they always go fast. Even if they are not in a hurry, "says the bicycle mechanic. Hence one more rule: if you decide to ride a bike, be prepared for a quick ride. Hardly you will have time for a short stop to, for example, check the map. "You do not have to travel like us, but if you can not, then you better just stay away and everything will be fine," advises the same mechanic.

If you still get the moment and made a stop - this is not a reason to relax, as in Amsterdam, the theft of two-wheeled friends is not uncommon. On average, about 55 thousand bicycles are lost per year. So if you need to leave your bike for a while, at least tie it to the nearest post.

However, parking in Amsterdam - it's not the easiest thing. It should be taken into account that bicycles are not allowed to be parked in city parks, along canals and near the central station - there is a high probability that the bicycle will not be in place on return, because the tow trucks are not asleep.

And, of course, pedaling is always in a sober state: do not drink alcohol and, of course, refrain from visiting coffeeshops.

Well, in general, not everything is terrible: just stick to these simple rules and look on the bike paths of Amsterdam as local.

And further. Local residents have a wonderful tradition: when bike owners decide that it's time to update their bike park, they simply drop the old bike into the nearest canal. However, tourists do not want to repeat this trick, because the rental company will necessarily roll you a fine for a tidy sum.

June 20, 2014
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