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Binnenhof is a large castle complex in the heart of The Hague, on the shore of Lake Hofwijver. Gothic castle was built in the 13th century as a count's residence, but already in the 16th century became the political center of the Dutch Republic. Nowadays, both government chambers are being held here, and the Prime Minister's office is also located in the small round tower.

Here, on the third Thursday of September, the ruling monarch opens the parliamentary session.

Binnenhof is in the top- 100 attractions of the Netherlands . Which is not surprising: entering the castle grounds from Plaine Square or Buitenhof, you find yourself in a real medieval courtyard among architectural masterpieces of the 13-19th centuries . In the middle of 1280 g . was erected a stunning Ridderzal - "knightlyhall ", a historic building with two towering towers on either side of the triangular facade and a ceremonial room that can be visited with a guide . It is here on the third Thursday of September that he holds a speech opening the parliamentary session, the ruling monarch . Queen arrives at the celebration traditionally in a gold carriage with a military escort in parade uniform . Near Riddersonal, near the Neo-Gothic fountain, there is a statue of King William II, created in 1620 . and one of the few equestrian statues in the Netherlands .

Binnenhof - the mostold from the parliamentary buildings in the world, which is still used in this capacity.

Alas, other marvelous premises of the palace complex are closed to the general public, but tourists can attend the parliamentary session. The second chamber meets daily in a new room, but the First one, which meets once a month, does this in a beautiful 17th century hall with Dutch-style interiors and a stunningly painted ceiling.