1 tomato fighting amsterdam

One day Dam - the central square of the capital of the Netherlands - turned into a battlefield where Tomatoes served as weapons. The action was originally conceived as a sign of protest of local residents against sanctions from Russia. Recall, on August 7, 2014, as a response, Russia banned the import of vegetables, fruits, meat and dairy products from the US, Australia, Norway and the EU for a period of 1 year.

At the same time, many participants in the tomato battles came on the central square not for the purpose of protest, but just to have fun. It is reported that the cost of the entrance ticket for the event was 15 EUR. The organizers realized about a thousand tickets, thus earning about 15 thousand EUR.

120 thousand unfit for eating tomatoes were purchased for the event. After the fighting, Dam Square was promptly cleaned, tomato remnants were sent to a plant that produces biofuel.

All organizers promise to transfer the collected funds to local farmers growing tomatoes

September 15, 2014
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