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The exposition of the Rembrandt Museum is now located in a building where 1639-1658 lived and painted one of the greatest artists and engravers of the 17th century - Rembrandt Harmens van Rijn: in his entire life he created about 300 paintings, 300 engravings and 2 thousand drawings. The official opening of the museum took place in 1911, and since then his collection has been constantly replenished.

In addition to the works of Rembrandt himself, the museum's collection is represented by paintings of his pupils and teacher Peter Lastman, and one of the halls is dedicated to the engraving technique.

Currently, the house-museum restored the situation of those times: the kitchen, living rooms and the artist's workshop, and his collection, in addition to the works of Rembrandt himself, is represented by paintings of his pupils and teacher Peter Lastman, and one of the halls is dedicated to the engraving technique.

Address: Jodenbreestraat 4

Working hours: daily: 10:00 - 18:00.

Entrance: 13 EUR. For children under 6 years: 1, 50 EUR.

The prices are indicated as of November 2013.

Rembrandt House Museum
Rembrandt Museum, Amsterdam Rembrandt Museum
Rembrandt Museum
Artist's Workshop, Rembrandt Museum, Amsterdam Rembrandt Museum
Artist's workshop
Artist's Kitchen, Rembrandt Museum, Amsterdam Rembrandt Museum
Kitchen in the museum of Remrant
Collection of the artist, Rembrandt Museum, Amsterdam Rembrandt Museum
The artist's collection, the Rembrandt Museum