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Amsterdam - a city of all non-traditional. Therefore, not to visit one of the most famous museums will be an unforgivable mistake. All that is associated with the eroticism of all times and cultures, there is. But only children under 18 without adults in this museum will not be allowed.

Inside the museum there are shops with erotic souvenirs, the exposition itself is located on three floors, and talks mainly about the street of the Red Lanterns. So, a separate room of red lanterns demonstrates the wax figure of a representative of the ancient profession working in the quarter.

Address: Oudezijds Achterburgwal 54

Opening hours: Tuesday - Saturday: 11:00 - 01:00, Monday - Sunday: days off.

Entrance: 5 EUR.

Erotic museum of Amsterdam
Museum of eroticism in Amsterdam Museum of eroticism in Amsterdam
Museum of eroticism in Amsterdam
Museum of eroticism in Amsterdam at night Museum of eroticism in Amsterdam
Museum of eroticism in Amsterdam at night
Figurines, Museum of eroticism in Amsterdam Museum of eroticism in Amsterdam
Figurines, Museum of eroticism in Amsterdam
One of the halls, the Museum of Erotica in Amsterdam Museum of eroticism in Amsterdam
One of the halls, the Museum of Erotica in Amsterdam
Fine Arts, Erotic Museum in Amsterdam Museum of eroticism in Amsterdam
Fine Arts, Erotic Museum in Amsterdam