If you looked in Trujillo, you ordered a meeting with the picturesque ruins of the capital of the ancient empire Chimu-Chan-chan. The amazing beauty of the colossal city was once built from clay and stones to become the largest military structure of its time. Behind the impregnable walls are hidden luxurious palaces and houses.

Imminently admire the visitors the temple-fortress of Tshudi, the Emerald Temple of Huaca-Esmeralda, the Temple of the Rainbow Templo del Arco-Iris, the pyramids of Huaca del Sol and Huaca del Luna ("The Sun and the Moon," the culture of Mochica, VI century AD), etc. It is worth seeing the delights of the unique archaeological complex of El Brujo, which appeared in the III thousand years BC. e., In the depths of which rises the pyramid of Kao.

The construction wit of the ancient Incas is striking, which they showed when erecting extensive irrigation canals, the remains of which were preserved right there. An inquisitive tourist does not forget to look into the "Tomb of Lord Sipan", located in the vicinity of the city of Chiclayo, which is 200 km north of Trujillo, especially since this area is considered a cluster of the most ancient Indian structures in Sechin.

Here, indeed, there is something to delay the enthusiastic view: the ruins of the Grand Pahaten, the monuments of the Inca period in Cajamarca and Chachapoyas, the sea resorts of Chikama and La Pimentel, the ecological reserve in Batan Grande.
Wonders of the World
Preserved patterns, Chiang Chan, Peru Chan-chan
Preserved patterns, Chan-chan
Chan-chan, Peru Chan-chan
The outlines of the city, Chiang Chan, Peru Chan-chan
The outlines of the city, Chan-chan
Carved patterns on the walls, Chiang Chan, Peru Chan-chan
Carved patterns on the walls, Chan-chan
The surviving walls of Chiang Chan, Peru Chan-chan
The surviving walls of Chiang Chan