Bialystok is located in the eastern part of Poland, near the border with Belarus and Belovezhskaya Pushcha. This city is quite large and developed, with several large industrial enterprises, but it is not industrial at all. Thanks to its location, it is even called the "green lungs of Poland". And the city architecture with its wealth and diversity is able to attract anyone: more than 250 buildings in Białystok (including more than 10 churches, 6 palaces and 80-odd houses) are included in the register of historical monuments.

Białystok is rightly considered a "green" city: one third of its territory is reserved for public gardens, plus more than 1500 hectares in the city is a forest. And around there are also 4 beautiful national parks.

How to get to Bialystok

Regular buses go to Bialystok from Warsaw and from Minsk several times a week. By train, you can reach Bialystok from Warsaw in 2 hours and 20 minutes.

Search for air tickets to the city of Warsaw (the nearest a / p to Bialystok)

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A bit of history

It is believed that the city was founded in the first half of the 4th century .Like other Polish cities, Bialystok, in his history, managed to visit under the rule of various powers .It was owned by the Lithuanian Principality, Prussia, and Russia .During the First World War, the Germans captured the city, after which it withdrew to Byelorussia, and then again to Lithuania .Later the Poles repulsed Bialystok, but already at the beginning of the Second World War it was again captured by the Germans .After the war, the Soviet Union again got Bialystok, but gave it to Poland .It is not surprising that during all these vicissitudes the image of the city evolved into a multifaceted and heterogeneous .Today's Bialystok is one of the strongholds of Polish Orthodoxy and an extremely multi-ethnic city .

In Białystok, Ludwig Zamenhof was born, the creator of the artificial language Esperanto. This fact is marked by monuments and a cultural center.

Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Bialystok

One of the main city attractions is the baroque Branicki Palace, which the Poles proudly call their own Versailles .The palace began to be built in the late 17th century, and finally the construction was completed in the 18th century .This impressive building served as the residence of the influential Polish-Lithuanian hetman Jan Clemens Branicki, who counted no less than to become the elective king of Poland .The palace complex stands in a park of 10 hectares, where luxurious gardens, sculptures and pavilions are located .Noteworthy are the main gates at the entrance to the residence, decorated with the image of the fretboard (the coat of arms Branicki can be seen on the tower spire) .

Other interesting palaces of the city are the classical Lubomirski Palace, Hasbakh Palace, stylized under the Middle Ages, with a pointed turret, the Citron Palace with a richly decorated facade. There is even a small house of Napoleon.

4 things to do in Bialystok:
  1. Visit the triangular market.
  2. To go to Belovezhskaya Pushcha.
  3. Get to the Tatar town of Krushinany, which is almost on the border with Belarus. And here you can look into the home restaurant of the Bogdanovich family, known all over Poland at least for the sake of a meat pusher.
  4. Try the sink.

The main city street is Lipovaya, half pedestrian; at the Branicki Palace it turns into Kosciuszko Street. Two of these streets are the focus of most tourist attractions and attractions.

Just like Gdansk for Russians from Kaliningrad, Bialystok became a place of shopping pilgrimages for Belarusians. Here the biggest market in the east of Poland is really located, and a lot of shops are also located.

The churches of Bialystok deserve attention .This is an old Farny church, executed in the Renaissance style, with a beautiful portal above the entrance .In its interior, many elaborate baroque details have been preserved .Another beautiful church of the Virgin Mary was built in the early 17th century in the Baroque style .Another church of St. .Rocha, built in the modernist style in the first half of the 20th century, stands on a hill, and its 80-plus-meter tower is clearly visible from different points of the city .Her crowned statue of the Virgin Mary .This octagonal building is decorated with multiple images of stars in various forms: carved in concrete, placed on pilasters or painted .

Another more modern Orthodox church is St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, built in the middle of the 19th century in the classical style. It is relatively small and can accommodate no more than 600 parishioners, but in its interior one can see frescoes made in 1910 by Mikhail Anilov based on Vasnetsov's paintings at the Vladimir Cathedral in Kiev. A special interest is the temple of the Holy Spirit, built in the second half of the 20th century, with black domed onions: it is one of the largest Orthodox churches in the country.

Trip to Bialystok

In Białystok there are a lot of interesting museums .The historical museum, part of the Podlasie museum, is famous for its rich collection of archival materials and icons, as well as middle-class household items and a numismatic collection of 16 thousand .of exhibits .The Army Museum was founded in 1968 ., and here you can get acquainted with the military history of northeastern Poland .In addition to the permanent exhibition, Ludwik Zamenhof's center attracts visitors with frequent concerts, exhibitions, theatrical performances and film shows .On the outskirts of the city there is a museum of rural life in the village .A gallery of contemporary art "Arsenal" is the third most important place in the list of art galleries of the country .

Neighborhoods of Bialystok

In Bialystok do not need to go far to be in the bosom of nature .The city is surrounded by groves and forests, wild marshes and beautiful well-kept parks .Białystok is rightly considered a "green" city: one third of its territory is reserved for public gardens, plus more than 1500 hectares in the city is a forest .And around there are also 4 beautiful national parks .Belovezhsky, the oldest in the country, with relict ancient forest, is listed in the UNESCO Heritage List .The Biebrza Park is famous for the fact that there are a lot of moose in the endless peat bogs .And Narvian Park differs from others in a vast system of reservoirs, where a variety of birds nest .

Bialystok is the capital of Polish aeronautics. In June, international balloon competitions are held here.

Approximately 30 km west of Białystok there is a "toy" Podlaskie town of Tykocin. Poles themselves call it a city-doll: everything here is very small, very sweet and very old. The ancient Jewish city of Tykocin stands on the river Narva, on the bank of which now you can again see a small restored Tykocin castle, originally built in the 16th century as a powerful fortress. Here are preserved rich houses of wealthy Jews, an old synagogue and a typical Jewish planning.

And if you drive a little further, you will find yourself in the village of Pentovo, which is called the European village of storks. There is nothing of the kind in Poland: after the strongest storm in 1991, the storks for some reason chose this village as their home and have been nesting here ever since - on all available elevations. Especially for the nests of storks in the village, vertical racks began to dig in, and about 70 birds return to Pentovo every year.

Cuisine of Bialystok

The culinary traditions of Podlasie are quite specific, because they are influenced by the multitude of peoples and nationalities. In addition, the unique nature of the region with an abundance of forests also affected: among the old Podlaski dishes one could find, for example, a soup from the nostrils of elk, a pie with sparrows, a roasted peacock. Today, nothing is done in Bialystok (thank God), but you can enjoy no less specific dishes.

One of them is a sinkhawk, a sweet "knotty" egg-based pie. It is prepared by dousing the rolling pin with a dough and twisting it over the flame so that characteristic mounds appear on the muffin, as on a tree. It turns out an amazing design in the form of a tall tower, hollow inside. To taste it reminds of a rich biscuit.

Another traditional Podlaskie (and Belarusian) food is potato sausage with cracklings. In addition, Podlasie cooks a special borsch: it is not at all like the traditional Polish "barge", which is a beet broth with "ears". Podlaskie borsch is a full soup with beef broth with all the traditional ingredients, to which is added also beans (and sometimes ceps).

And, of course, a worthy place among the local specialties is the bison, which is inscribed on the same name of the grass of the Bialowieza Forest, which the bison especially like.

You can book Białystok hotels at the best prices

Hotel Gołębiewski Białystok from 4 387 rubles Białystok ul. Pałacowa 7 Hotel Branicki from 3 490 rub. Białystok ul. Ludwika Zamenhofa 25
Best Western Hotel Cristal from 3 157 rubles Białystok Lipowa 3/5 Hotel 3 Trio from 3 224 rubles Białystok Hurtowa 3 Hotel Esperanto from 3 157 rubles Białystok Legionowa 10
Hotel Podlasie from 2 493 rubles Białystok 42 Pułku Piechoty 6 Hotel Santana from 2 825 rub. Białystok ul. Baranowicka 55 Hotel BOSiR from 1 745 rub. Białystok ul. Wołodyjowskiego 5