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Grunwald is the site of a great battle, a bloody battle, the military feat of thousands of troops, when a huge joint Polish-Lithuanian army (about 29 thousand .soldiers) under the leadership of Vladislav Jagailo defeated the 21-thousand-strong army of the Crusaders of the Teutonic Order .It is difficult to describe in words how much this place means for Poles, it is easier to bring a pair of comparisons .Grunwald is in some way the Polish Kulikovo field or the famous Borodino, once and for all turned the course of the war .In a word, the place of greatness, pride and joy .I must say, very deserved .

Nowadays on the Grunwald field every July there is a historical festival-reconstruction, during which you can see with your own eyes an ancient medieval battle with knights, horses and swords. And also go to the museum, have a bite in a knight's tavern and pay tribute to the mighty warriors at the memorial.

But for a start, let's dive into a couple of centuries ago, on July 15, 1410 g ., when the famous battle of Grunwald happened .What was so important? Very, very much - it not only dealt an irreparable blow to the Teutonic Order, once and for all sentencing the brave brotherhood to oblivion, but also redistributed the balance of power in Eastern Europe, and also marked the rise of the Polish-Lithuanian Union .Grunwald became the decisive battle of the "Great War" 1409-1411 yy .At the end of this terrible and bloody day of the battle, many Teutons were killed and taken prisoner, the Order could not recover from defeat, and the burden of reparations and internal conflicts finally brought to naught the once powerful force .

The Battle of Grunwald was one of the largest in medieval Europe, and is still considered one of the most important victories in the history of Poland and Lithuania.

The Battle of Grunwald was one of the largest in medieval Europe, and is still considered one of the most important victories in the history of Poland and Lithuania.

The best time to visit the field is during the days of the historical festival. In addition to the battle, you can also take a look at all kinds of sword tournaments, archery competitions and listen to bardic song competitions.


Address: Stebark, 14-107 Gierzwałd (Muzeum Bitwy Grunwaldzkiej). Grünwald is located in the Warmian-Mazury province, 17 km south-west of Olsztynek, near the village of Stembark.

Opening hours of the museum: from May 1 to September 15, 8: 00-18: 00, the cost of visiting 6 PZL. Walking around the memorial and the field is possible all year round, but in winter, of course, it will be a dubious pleasure - as a rule, everything is covered with snow.