Add a review about the Wrocław Zoo

Wrocław Zoo - the oldest and largest (by the number of inhabitants) in Poland . Officially it is called the Wrocław Zoological Gardens . This is a beautiful landscape zoo, founded in 1865 as . as Zoological garden Breslau, while the city belonged to Prussia . The territory of the zoo is 33 hectares, and it is home to more than 7,100 individuals of more than 850 species . This is the most visited zoo in the country . He is also an accredited member of the European association of zoos and aquarium and the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums .

Today the territory of the zoo is very beautiful. It has preserved many historical buildings dating back to the 19th century, brought to modern standards. Excellent examples are the Monkey House and the Butterfly House in the terrarium. The territory has attractive thematic expositions, and all this beauty is surrounded by a beautiful natural landscape. This is a marvelous green corner connected by the city transport with the rest of the city

The special pride of the zoo and the newest addition to it are Afrikrium, a unique huge oceanarium where the diverse ecosystems of the continent are represented.

For a long history with the zoo everything happened. In 1921, it was closed because of the crisis of the post-war years. In 1945, the zoo was seriously damaged during the capture of Breslau and was only opened in 1948. But in 1957 the zoological garden increased its territory by half, and the collection became one of the most impressive in Europe. And in 2010 the zoo was the first in Poland, which was turned into a company. Zoo is actively involved in the conservation of rare species and conducts its own educational programs

Zoo in Wrocław

The special pride of the zoo and the newest addition to it are Afrikrium, a unique huge aquarium with a variety of continent ecosystems . Numerous aquariums, reservoirs and pools form a common exposition . Here you can see the coral reef of the Red Sea, freshwater fish from the lakes of Malawi and Tanganyika, river inhabitants like hippopotamuses . Depths of the Mozambique Channel and where the sharks, rays and other large animals live, can be considered in an acrylic underwater tunnel 18 m long . The following exposition is devoted to the Skeleton Coast in Namibia, where penguins and fur seals live . Jungle Congo are inhabited by crocodiles and manats (t . e . manatees - they are sometimes called sirens) .

Among the most interesting sections of the zoo are the pavilion of Madagascar, Odrarium (from the Oder name), the terrarium, the zoolandia rope, the Sahara, a petting zoo, a zoo and a ranch.

Practical information

Address: ul. Wroblewskiego, 1-5.

Opening Hours: Pavilions and outdoor expositions are open daily from 9:00 to 16:00, Afrikrium operates on Monday from 10:30 to 18:00, from Tuesday to Friday from 9:00 up to 8:00, on weekends and public holidays - from 9:00 to 19:00.

Admission: for adults: 30 PLN, for students under 26: 25 PLN, for families (two adults + three children) : 50 PLN, on Thursdays for pensioners and disabled: 10 PLN, on Wednesdays for students: 10 PLN (February 2015).