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In the vicinity of the capital there is a castle that is absolutely different from all those that are found in Portugal - it's Kelush . It's so refined and so generously decorated that many who saw it say as the younger brother of the Parisian Versailles . It was erected in the 17th century in accordance with the best traditions of magnificent Rococo, and became a country residence for Pedro II . The expansion of the building did not cease for a long time, as a result of which it became a majestic palace with a chic tron hall and luxury park . Its construction coincided with an important event for Portugal - the start of gold mining in the Brazilian mines . Then they preferred to do everything with a big scale, sparing no effort to achieve enchanting results .

Kelush Castle

Address: Queluz, Avenida Engenheiro Duarte Pacheco

Working hours: 9:00 - 19:00

Entrance: The cost of the full ticket to the castle is 9, 50 EUR and 1, 50 EUR for the entrance to the Kelush gardens.

Information is indicated on June 2, 2014

 Kelouch Castle, Lisbon  Kelouch Castle
Kelouch Castle
 Ballroom Hall, Castle Kelouch, Liss Bon  Kelouch Castle
Ballroom Hall, Kelouch Castle
 Children's Room, Kelouch Castle, Lisbon  Kelouch Castle
Kelush Castle
 Reception Hall, Kelouch Castle, Lisbon  Kelouch Castle
Reception Hall, Kelouch Castle
 Interior of the Castle of Kelouch, Lisbon  Kelouch Castle
Kelouch Castle Interior
 Cabinet, Kelouch Castle, Lisbon  Kelouch Castle
Cabinet, Kelouch Castle
 Red Room Ata, Kelouch Castle, Lisbon  Kelouch Castle
Red Room, Kelouch Castle
 Dining Room, Kelouch Castle, Lisbon  Kelouch Castle
Lunch, Kelouch Castle
 Walking Carriage, Kelouch Castle, Lisbon  Kelouch Castle
Walkway, Kelouch Castle
 Royal, Kelouch Castle, Lisbon  Kelouch Castle
Royal, Kelouch Castle