Architecture in Coimbra

The Tourism Authority of Portugal conducted another survey among foreign travelers who visited the country in 2013. The main objective of the study was to identify the main trends in the preferences of the guests and to compile an "average portrait" of a foreign tourist.

As it turned out, in its overwhelming majority, travelers do not remain disappointed with Portugal: 67% of respondents said they intend to return here in the next three years. The most positive impressions about the country of football and port remain with tourists from Scandinavia, 97% of whom wish to make at least one re-tour.

Key change in 2013: Portugal becomes a destination for singles. About 16% of respondents told about independent travel around the country, although a year earlier this figure did not exceed 7%. In parallel with the growth of single tourists, the number of family trips has decreased. If a year ago, about 24% of the total tourist flow was made up of travelers with children, today this category was reduced to 9%

The main Portuguese destinations are still Lisbon and the Algarve, taking 48 and 42% of the total number of foreign tourists respectively.

11 December 2013
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