Add a review about the Palace of Cantacuzino in Bucharest

On one of the old streets of central Bucharest, surrounded by a luxurious and well-kept park, is the Cantacuzino Palace, built in 1903 . by the project of the well-deserved Romanian architect Johan Berindeim . In his architectural appearance, academic, rococo and art nouveau elements, the castle became a real adornment of the city . The special charm of the building is attached to the oblong arched windows with cast-iron forged balconies . Main entrance with the family coat of arms and extravagant trump From the forged metal vigilantly watch two stone lions . Once the palace was the residence of the Mayor of Bucharest, the Prime Minister and leader of the Conservative Party George Grigore Cantacuzino . After his death in 1913, . the castle was inherited by his son Mikhail Cantacuzino and his wife Mary, they had a son, but in 1928, . Michael crashed in a car crash .

He joined the architectural features of French academicism, the elements of rococo and art nouveau palace of Cantacuzino became a real decoration of the city.

After that, Mary's heart was busy about the philosopher Nae Ionescu, and only in 1935 she accepted the offer from the long-time beloved, famous musician and composer George Enescu. They married and lived together for a couple of happy decades. Maria survived her second wife, and after his death, in 1955, bequeathed the palace of Cantacuzino to the administration of Bucharest with the condition that it open a museum to commemorate George Enescu.

In 2007, the former palace of Cantacuzino was recognized as an architectural treasure and entered the UNESCO World Heritage List

Museum exposition

George Enescu National Museum was opened in June 1956. The permanent exhibition occupies three rooms, the collection contains paintings and sketches, manuscripts, documents and personal belongings of the composer, about clothes. Enescu's musical instruments, as well as his posthumous mask, took their place at the exhibition.

The interiors of the palace, decorated with exquisite tapestries, chandeliers and colorful stained-glass windows attract attention. The carefully reconstructed atmosphere of the beginning of the century, surrounded by authentic furniture and things, takes the tourists for decades to an atmosphere of high art and great love.

The concert hall of the palace often becomes a venue for musical concerts. In summer, concerts are held outdoors in the garden
Cantacuzino Palace

Useful Information

Address: Bucharest, Calea Victoriei, 141, sector 1.

Phone: +40 (21) 318-14- 50.

Fax: +40 (21) 312-91-82.


Working hours: Tuesday - Sunday: 10:00 - 17:00, Monday : exit.

Entrance: 6 ROL, for pensioners: 3 ROL, for Euro 26 cardholders, schoolchildren and students: 1, 50 ROL, for preschoolers, cultural workers, visitors with disabilities entry is free. On the 26th of each month free entrance for all categories of visitors

Tickets for concerts are purchased separately, cost 3-10 ROL.

You can get to the museum by buses 300 and 381, on trolleybuses No. 79 and 86, as well as on metro to Piata Victoriei station

Prices are indicated as of January 2015