Mangalia - the southernmost resort of Romania, located 44 km from Constanta. This is the most ancient settlement of the country, the history of the city has many glorious and dramatic pages.

Mangalia is the only seaside resort on which, besides mud, there are thermal springs and drinking mineral waters.

How to get to

You can get to Mangalia by a fast train from Bucharest (about 4, 5 hours en route, cost about 15 euros) or from Constanta (1, 5 hours on the way). Minibuses from Constanta run from 5 am and until 11 pm, stop at the railway station. station, and opposite the post office. From there they go to the resort of Olympus (every 20 minutes) and further down the coast.

And Mangalia - the last stop on the railway. way from Constanta (in the summer a day to 19 trains in both directions), on the way 1 hour - 1 hour and 15 minutes. Express flights to Sibiu, Iasi, Cluj-Napoca and Timisoara also fly in the summer.

Search for tickets to the city of Constanta (the nearest airport to Mangalia)


The successful geographical location of the city - it is on the same latitude, that the world-famous resort of Nice, on the picturesque seashore - allowed Mangalia to win the glory of a comfortable resort. There is a mild marine climate with an average annual temperature of 11 degrees Celsius. Summers are hot, with sunny days (an average of 25 per month). Spring begins early, but warm weather is not typical for it. Autumn comes late, lasts a long time, generously gives warm days. The winter is mild, the average temperature in January is about 1 degree of heat


The width of the beach here reaches 250 m (this is one of the widest beaches on the coast.)

The width of the beach here reaches 250 m (this is one of the widest beaches on the coast.)

The resort is famous not only for its clean coastal waters and beaches, but also for the specific composition of sand that contains an increased amount of sapropel particles making this sand biologically active and very beneficial for human health . If you add to this , that in the vicinity of Mang alia, there are many sources of mineral water, including drinking water, and therapeutic mud, it becomes clear that rest here will bring more and healthier, and many believe that the resort's possibilities are even more extensive and travel here to prolong youth and bring back beauty .

Treatment in Mangalia

I must say that people have mastered the healing powers of local sources as far back as the 12th century, as evidenced by the results of the excavations.
A special popularity was gained by the resort in the Middle Ages at the European nobility: it was believed that it was enough to start the treatment of tuberculosis in Mangalia in time to stop the disease and get rid of it forever.
The resort was particularly popular in the middle ages with the European nobility: that it is enough to start treatment of tuberculosis in Mangalia in time to stop the disease and get rid of it for good. Modern science gives a completely logical explanation for this: in waters from sources in the vicinity of Mangalia there is a sufficiently large number of chemicals to have a negative effect on microorganisms. Sea water and a huge amount of ultraviolet intensify this effect


Mangalia hotels are kind and offer accommodation in comfortable rooms equipped with everything necessary for a carefree stay. The majority of hotels are rightfully proud of having round the clock access to all communication networks necessary for a modern person: telephone, internet, satellite TV to guests. Most of the hotels are in the immediate vicinity of the coastline, so the transfer to the beach is not worth it.

One of the most sought after hotels is Paradiso. Here, in spite of the level of 3 *, the level of household comfort is very high, besides the accommodation, a lot of additional services are offered (restaurant, bar, spa, own mud bath), and the distance to the beach is only 25 meters. We can assume that this hotel provides the optimal ratio of the cost and quality of accommodation in it. President Hotel is very popular among the guests of the city. The quality of services here is excellent, the rooms are elegant, the prices are quite high.

Book popular Mangalia hotels at the best prices

Hotel Corsa from 1 448 rubles Mangalia Str Teilor Nr 11 Hotel Solymar @ from 1 999 rubles Mangalia Str. Teilor nr. 7 Hostel Alutus from 2 206 rubles Mangalia Sos. Constantei 27
Vila Fonzi from 1 241 rubles Mangalia Str Oituz, Nr 50

Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Mangalia

Mangalia and the area around it will satisfy the interest of tourists to the historical and architectural monuments . large number of monuments of Greek and Roman architecture and history allow you to organize a rich program of excursions . impression complement visiting the local archaeological museum, whose collections you can see many unique exhibits various historical periods . Local entertainment: tennis, mini-golf, natural park, discos and restaurants, and horse riding Where you can rent a spirited horse .

Treatment in Mangalia

proximity of Constanta, the second largest city of Romania, expanding the geography of tours and their content: many monuments of maritime history and beautiful architectural buildings of the city are of interest, but and the city itself is a good and interesting to visit.

Order any excursion is possible in Mangalia tourist office or hotel. excursions cost significantly varies depending on the program and the number of tourists.

Stud and horse lo shadyah

It is widely known in Europe, stud farm, which is located near Mangalia and receives many tour groups from all over Romania . It is important that the plant not only supports the program of excursions, but also offers horseback rides of varying duration . For those who can not, but really wants to ride, there can be offered a professional instructor . way, horse riding can be an important point in the recreational program: the factory developed several sets of riding exercises that Rhinos relief in diseases of the musculoskeletal system . A chat with the horses improves morale human .