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Pelishor Castle is part of the palace complex of Peles Castle and is in close proximity to it. In fact, Pelischor can be translated as "little Peles" - and this will be a reflection of the essence of the building. King Karol I built Pelishor for his nephew Ferdinand I. Pelishor is a summer residence for the heir to the throne. The construction took place in 1899-1903. Pelischor is not one building, but a complex of several: a central castle and small terraces.

Pelishor Castle is built in the Art Nouveau style with interspersed with other architectural currents. The stone building looks interesting due to the large number of wooden decor elements. On the roof of Pelishor there are several small towers that are located asymmetrically.

Pelishor can be translated as "little Pelesh."

The architect of Pelisora ​​is the Czech Karel Liman, and the interior designer is Hungarian Bergan Ludwig. In the arrangement of the castle, the most active part was taken by Princess Maria, Ferdinand's wife. A native of Scotland, it was Maria who brought many Celtic motifs to the interior of the castle of Eastern Europe.

In the gilded rooms there is no-no, and there are images of leaves of the burdock symbol of Scotland

Princess Maria was so fond of Pelischor that the last moments of life on her deathbed she preferred to spend in the Golden Room, created according to her sketches. The author of the Golden Bedroom and the chapel was also the princess-designer. According to her drawings in the workshops they made refined furniture and other articles of aristocratic way of life.

If there are 160 rooms in Peles, then only 70 in Pelishere. But they are decorated not less richly and exquisitely than in "big brother". On the walls of the painting, there are many portraits of Maria with her children. There are statues, huge windows and a glass ceiling with stained-glass windows. In the castle there is also a grand hall and a large dining room are real attributes of the royal residence.

Maria also decorated herself her own office, on the chairs and writing-table of the princess her symbols - a lily and a Celtic cross are depicted. In contrast to Ferdinand's office - a strict, neo-renaissance style.

After 1947, Pelischor was nationalized, like Peles, and began to work as a museum. In 2006, the castle was returned to the royal family of Romania, and then it was again returned to the country's leadership and is now permanently open to visitors.

Pelishor is in the town of Sinaia. Between Bucharest and Sinai, there is a railway service. Before this town can be reached from Brasov and by bus (the total will have to travel about 60 km). The castle is located in a park area. Near Pelisor you can find a restaurant, a gift shop and a small hotel for travelers.

Address: Romania, Prahova Country, Sinaia town, Aleea Pelesului, 2.