Add a review about the fortress Ryshnov

Ryshnov - a small town on the border between two historical regions - Wallachia and Transylvania, 15 km from the city of Brasov and at the same distance from the legendary residence of the Count Dracula - Bran Castle . The population of the city is only 16 thousand . person, and Ryshnov was founded in the 13th century . The town was started by building a fortress on top of a hill around which the settlement was formed . The fortress was built by the Knights of the Teutonic Order, it can be safely called "peasant" - the Teutons built her names of commoners, so that they could take refuge in the fortress during the long siege .

way, Rasnov Fortress has such a good location that was captured only once - about 1600 Transylvanian Prince Gabriel Bathory. The attempt to return the fortress in the same way as it was captured, failed, and the local residents had to pay Prince Bathory a large ransom to restore the citadel. Then it was deposited again - around the end of the 17th century, but was not captured. After that, the fortress flourished, and around it grew a settlement, which eventually evolved into the town of Rysnov.

Ryshnov Fortress is so fortunate that it was captured only once - around 1600 by Transylvanian prince Gabriel Bathory. the fortress itself is not too big: behind its walls with watchtowers there are about 30 houses, a church, a school and other buildings more typical of an ordinary village than for a fortified citadel. The walls of the fortress, 5 m high, have the shape of a polygon, each wall is crowned with a watchtower. There are also half-ruined bastions, as well as a bridge over the moat. In the center of the citadel territory is a well - this is the deepest well in Transylvania (147 m).

The amazing legend

is connected to the well.During the long siege by the Turkish troops (according to other sources - Gabriel Bathory), the inhabitants of the fortress did not have enough water . Two Turkish captives captured by the townspeople were forced to dig a well in the center of the fortress . When they get water - they will be given a life . @ But, probably, the Turks did not really believe such promises, and therefore they dug a well for 17 years! After which they were still killed . Local guides today tell tourists that on the walls of the well can be found the prayers written by the Turkish prisoners from the Koran .

Ryshnov fortress

On one of the watch towers - the highest one - there is an observation tower a playground from where you can enjoy stunning views of Ryshnov and the surroundings. On a clear day you can see in the distance even Mount Codle with a snow-capped summit. Getting to Ryshnov is easy - you can do it by train from Brasov to Zarnesti - it leaves every two hours, or on the bus - every half hour. The taxi will cost you about 50 ROL.

It is most convenient to visit the fortress Ryshnov as part of a group excursion, the guide will tell you a lot of interesting things about its history. In summer the fortress is open from 9:00 to 19:00, and in winter from 9:00 to 17:00. It is best to go here in June or early September - at this time, there are festivals in the style of the Middle Ages.

By the way, besides the historical events in Rysnov there are also quite modern events - the Pro Istoria Fest rock festival and the historical cinema festival.

Address : Romania, Rysnov.

All prices are for November 2014