Add a review about the fortress of Sighisoara

Sighisoara - a small town with a population of just over 30 thousand people in the historic area of ​​Transylvania - was founded in the 12th century, and in 1999 - listed in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The beauty of its streets, on which the spirit of the Middle Ages is felt, is difficult to convey in words - you just need to visit. And the main business card of the city is the fortress of Sighisoara, around which a city settlement was formed.

The fortress was built by German colonists from Saxony. Today, within the fortress, which has "survived" to our days in almost unchanged form, many attractions are concentrated. This is the clock tower, built at the same time as the citadel, and an observation deck, from which a truly spectacular view of the city and its surroundings opens. There is a church and a monastery in the Gothic style, Historical and Armory museums.

In the fortress of Sighisoara (as well as in many other cities of Transylvania), Count Dracula, better known as Vlad Tepes, also managed to "register". It turns out that the city of Sighisoara is his immediate historical homeland, here he was born. Beyond the walls of the citadel, on its main square, is the home of the Tsepes, in which they lived until 1435. Today in Casa Vlad Dracul on the ground floor there is a restaurant where delicious dishes of national Romanian cuisine are prepared, and on the second floor there is the Weapons Museum.

In the fortress of Sighisoara (as well as in many other cities of Transylvania), Count Dracula, better known as Vlad Tepes, also managed to "register".

The fortress was laid in the 12th century on the ruins of an ancient Roman citadel, and in the 15th century it was expanded and additionally strengthened. Settlements of artisans and traders began to arise within the walls of the fortress, and as they grew, the fortress required expansion. In the 16th century, the defensive system of the fortress consisted of 14 separate towers, several fortified bastions with weapons directed to the four corners of the world.

Sighisoara - the place where eternity lives

The most important tower - the clock tower - controlled the main gate and kept inside it treasury of the city. The rest of the towers were directly connected to individual craft guilds: the tower of blacksmiths, tailors, shoemakers, copper workers, cable men, etc. Thanks to its powerful fortifications, the fortress did not know the strong destructions, and everything that was damaged by time was carefully restored and guarded. That's why today the Sigisoara citadel is an opportunity to plunge into the Middle Ages.

By the way, every year in July in Sighisoara a colorful medieval festival with performances and knights fights, concerts and competitions, a big fair is arranged.

Getting to the city is most convenient for train - from Bucharest, as well as from other cities: Shibuya, Brasov, Arad. International trains (from Budapest, Vienna, Prague, Krakow) stop at the city train station, which is in the center,

Sishisoara Citadel is directly urban streets, so they are open to guests at any time. Visiting the fortress, towers and museums located inside, costs with a group excursion. The tourist service is located directly in the citadel.

Address: Romania, Sighisoara, Strada Octavian Goga.

All prices are for November 2014