Submit feedback about the Palace of Parliament in Bucharest

The business card of Bucharest, its main asset and pride, the largest and heaviest civil construction in the world, as well as the contradictory symbol of dictatorship and oppression - all this is the Palace of Parliament, the famous architectural monument of Romania .For his impressive size, he even got into the Guinness Book of Records, and twice .The Palace of Parliament was built during the period of the Socialist Republic of Romania, between 1984 and 1989 ., but for a short time he managed to change several names .The first name of the landmark is the "House of the Republic", in the post-revolutionary era - "House of the Peoples", but the people were named "House Ceausescu", exposing the former leader of the country .As a result, when the troubled times for the country were over, the administrative building was given the official name of the Palace of Parliament .

The business card of Bucharest, its main asset and pride, the largest and heaviest civil structure in the world, as well as the contradictory symbol of dictatorship and oppression - all this is the Palace of Parliament, the famous architectural monument of Romania.

Description of the Palace of Parliament

The palace is an eleven-story building consisting of 1100 rooms, of which 440 are for offices, about 30 are ceremonial halls and lounges, as well as four restaurants, three libraries, a concert hall, and two underground parking spaces.

In the mid-1990s, the legislative body of power, the Chamber of Deputies, was transferred to the cyclopean building, and in 2005 the Senate (by the way, Ceausescu planned to do so at the time). In 2004, the National Museum of Modern Art (MNAC) was located in the western wing of the E4 Palace, which occupied several floors at once. At the same time the Museum of Totalitarianism and Socialist Realism joined him.

For the convenience of access to them, a glass annex was built with panoramic elevators delivering tourists to the top. The chic restaurant for legislators was also reconstructed in the mid-2000s.

The construction of a luxurious marble castle against the background of the general poverty of the Romanian population caused a legitimate dislike and condemnation of the inhabitants of Bucharest .Impressive amounts of labor and materials used for the erection and interior decoration of the palace .It was spent more than 3500 tons of crystal, about one million cubic meters of marble, 900 thousand .cubic meters of valuable wood, 200 thousand .m quality carpets of wool .In addition, fantastic money was spent on luxurious brocade and velvet drapes, finished with gold and silver embroidery and beads .

Today, the lavish halls and galleries of the Palace of Parliament are open to tourists .Anyone can see these luxurious rooms, trimmed with marble and lavishly decorated with sculpture, gilding, tapestries and stucco molding .In the hall Take Ionescu, decorated with tapestries and objects of arts and crafts, all kinds of exhibitions and concerts are held .Its ceiling is covered with gold leaf .Human Rights Hall of 625 square meters .m was famous for its crystal chandelier weighing almost two tons and a round oak table surrounded by 60 oak chairs with velvet upholstery .The Union Hall was intended for large receptions at the highest level .Gypsum walls are decorated with mirrors in marble frames, on the floor - a huge carpet weighing three tons .

Palace of Parliament

Helpful information

Address: Bucuresti, Strada Izvor, 2-4.

Phone: +40 (21) 311-36-11.

Fax: +40 (21) 312-09-02.


Opening hours: Monday - Sunday: 10:00 - 16:00 .Perhaps as an individual visit to the palace, or group, the excursions are held in different languages ​​and last about two hours .Tourists can choose from any of the six available programs .The standard tour costs 25 ROL, the Panorama City Tour tour with a visit to the terrace costs 15 ROL, an underground tour costs 10 ROL, Panorama City Tour + Standard tour costs 35 ROL, and a visit to the basement will be 30 ROL .A full inspection of all open spaces costs 45 ROL .For children under 7 years old, students, visitors with disabilities entry free .Photo and video shooting are paid, the cost is 30 ROL .

Prices are indicated as of January 2015

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