Venus Resort is located 39 km from Constanta in a very beautiful place, on the cape, from where it naturally descends to the sea by a natural amphitheater. Like other Romanian resorts, Venus is characterized by sea breezes, fine sand beaches and an abundance of greenery.

Open in 1972, the resort received a name in honor of the ancient Roman goddess of beauty, and all hotels of this resort began to receive female names. But this tradition has not taken root, frightening monotony of names in the resort is not observed.

How to get there

The resort is located just 66 km from Bucharest airport, respectively, the transfer will not be tedious. A small distance, 39 km, distance from Constanta and an established bus service allow to consider the possibility of getting to the resort by rail.

Search for air tickets to the city of Bucharest (nearest a / p to Venusu)


Organically fitting into the beach relief , the structure of the resort form a picturesque amphitheater that looks equally attractive from the land and from the sea. The beach here, as elsewhere in Romania, is sandy, golden in color, with a width of up to 200 meters in some places. It is believed that the beach here is one of the best in Romania


The infrastructure of the resort is large enough for everyone to find entertainment for their taste: bars, cafes with picturesque terraces, bowling alleys, discos, cinema hall, Internet points, beach sports grounds, water attractions. Restaurants here are diverse, there are some rather pompous ones with the menu from the chef, and quite democratic, organized according to the popular in Europe principle of free flow.

Hotel Afrodita Venus Romania

Venus Hotels

Several dozens of hotels, campsites , villas and cottages in the resort of Venus are known for their democratic prices and a decent level of service . In recent years, the flow of tourists from Europe to Romanian resorts has increased, which made it possible to expand and improve the hotel base of Venus, therefore, by 2010 there appeared hotels corresponding to the level ny 4 * . Afrodita 4 * hotel is very popular, it is built on the first line . The hotel has restaurants, bars, indoor and outdoor pool, billiard and conference hall . Around the hotel there is a fairly large promenade, beach .

The Mezotermal 3 * hotel offers an interesting wellness program, which has its own pools with thermal water and a clinic offering various procedures using sapropel muds.

Entertainments, excursions and sights of Venus

You can swim in boats and ride horses on the resort, and next to it there is a thermal lake, on the shore of which there are bathhouses where you can take baths from therapeutic mud and bathe in thermal water.

The natural lake Venus is located in the central part of the resort, another one, Mangalia, adjoins it. The shores of the lakes are picturesque, they very decorate the resort, and Mangalia attracts tourists with the opportunity to watch birds or fish. Besides, there are many sources of thermal water on the banks of Mangalia, which allows to combine rest at the resort with medical procedures.

Being in the chain of famous Romanian resorts of the Black Sea coast, Venus is an organic part of it. Boat trips from Venus provide an excellent opportunity to enjoy the contemplation of a whole 10-kilometer series of resorts and make up a pretty complete idea about them.