Of course, in the glorious and full of sights the city of St. Petersburg can be traveled almost at any time of the year (in winter, however, it's quite for amateurs, although there are many.) But traditionally high season here begins in the romantic period of the White Nights, when the granite corners of the northern city take an amazing shape, and everything looks different.

And this wonderful time comes to the end of spring - the beginning of summer, coinciding with one more amazing event - the opening of fountains. in the famous Peterhof, where this ceremony takes on a very solemn character.

Sometimes, for those who can not attend this colorful celebration in person, they organize an Internet broadcast. Users can watch the event on almost every fountain they like, cameras are installed throughout the architectural reserve of Peterhof.

During the holiday, as in the good old days of the Russian Empire, the venerable public will be able to see the wonderful fireworks. In addition to the fire performance, leading artists such as the soloists of the world-famous Mariinsky Theater, the Theater of Musical Comedy, as well as other bands from different cities of Russia and from all over the world also perform here.

During the holiday, as well as in the good old days of the Russian Empire , the venerable public will be able to see the wonderful fireworks.

The festival of "first water" is not accidental in such a "fountain" place as Peterhof. After all, there are about 147 fountains and a lot of cascading ponds. After the solemn opening ceremony, dances and fireworks, you can stroll around the park and enjoy the various refined architectural and water compositions that Russian monarchs have observed for several centuries.

Some fountains, despite all the upheavals that have fallen to their lot, have been functioning for years , as the city itself in the mouth of the Neva, that is, no less than three centuries.

Traditionally, the opening ceremony of fountains is at the end of spring, that is, mid-May. The exact date should be clarified in three or four weeks, as everything depends on the weather and temperature in this naughty season, when it can sharply turn cold, and warm up the air to a significant 28 ° C.

Opening of the fountains 2014